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Here's a perfect example of me not being able to write full on fluff

thanks to CloeTheTealSnake for the DDR bit

Sorry in advance to Alfred, I did him dirty in this fic

Dick woke up with a groan, not an unusual beginning since his time spent with The Joker. He was in a constant amount of pain since the criminal hadn't gone lightly on him. Everything hurt when he didn't have painkillers and only ached when he did ingest the small white pills. Though, the pain wasn't the worst part of recovering. The worst part was being cooped up in his apartment, unable to go further than the kitchen without doubling over. Jason was in and out, often staying only to make sure Dick had his medicine and wasn't dying. He was looking after Bludhaven in Dick's absence so he couldn't blame the younger for being scarcely being there. Unfortunately for Dick, his friends and family were all heroes. All of them were far too busy with juggling their hero lives and civilian lives to pay him a visit. He couldn't blame them and was somewhat content with the short frequent phone calls he received from them. They kept him occupied for the duration of the call but he was bored the rest of the time. Bored and in pain. Not the best of mixes. 

He'd toyed around with the idea of splurging on a TV in his room but always threw the idea away. His wallet would never forgive him for buying it but now he was stuck in his bedroom with a lack of entertainment he regretted caring about his wallet. Maybe he could hint to Bruce that a TV would be the perfect birthday gift. Since his birthday was miles away, he'd just have to make do with the window in his room. He caught glimpses of Red Hood running along the skyline sometimes. Most of the time he was just left with clouds moving along the sky and a bird or two. Maybe a plane here and there. He accepted that this would be his fate for the next six weeks. It would've been four but Raven wasn't there to heal him. It was one of the things he missed about working with the Titans. At least he wouldn't be stuck in bed for an extra two weeks. Dick liked to think on the bright side, however. He knew he was lucky to only get six weeks. The other option was being six feet under.

Whilst he tried to occupy himself by putting a tissue on his face and making it float by blowing on it, he heard a knock on the door. Confused, Dick slid his phone off the bedside table and went onto the security app Tim installed after he found out about the death threats. He'd installed a camera on Dick's front door, allowing him to see who wanted access. The camera showed Bruce, Damian, and Tim. He raised an eyebrow at his screen since he hadn't been expecting their visit but braved the journey to the front door regardless. It took him a while since he was limping all the way there but he eventually got to the door and opened it. "I really need to get you guys a key," he greeted, wheezing in pain. They shot him a flurry of worried looks.

"Why isn't Jason answering the door?" Bruce inquired as his younger sons helped Dick to the couch.

"He's out for now. I think he's working one of my cases. Did you need him for something?" Bruce shook his head, frowning at him. Dick knew why. He looked awful. He'd lost weight since he often couldn't work up the appetite worth being in pain for. His eyes were sporting dark bags and his skin had an unflattering sweaty sheen from the walk to the door. His clothes were dirty since he couldn't find the point in changing them and most of his skin was covered in bandages. "What're you doing in Bludhaven then? Is there a case you wanted me to look at?" Bruce shook his head. 

"No, we're here to take you to the manor. We thought it would be better for your recovery since Alfred can provide constant care," he informed Dick.

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