le smut with plot

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Here is le smut with plot 

there is a non-smut story comin up

Tired. That's probably all Dick could feel as he tapped on the keyboard. He needed to solve this case. He had to. He wouldn't rest till his city was safe. Sleep was a no go. He hadn't slept in three days and was just about to reach his fourth. No, he had work. Work was important. Much more important than sleep. Dick yawned yet continued to scan the screen. He didn't notice footsteps creeping into the room nor did he notice his lover's face reflecting on the computer screen. "Oh, you really need some sleep," Wally confirmed, draping his arms around the other's shoulders. Had he been on top form, he would've spun around by now and told him he couldn't talk right now. Dick grunted, his attention maintained on the endless sea of words. He didn't notice the huff of irritation. In all honesty, Wally was feeling a little antsy about the lack of attention he'd received these past few days. He was so used to having someone constantly touching him and talking to him that the loneliness was killing him much more than he'd thought it would. He didn't like getting into an empty bed, sleeping in an empty bed and waking up in an empty bed. He'd never had all three before in his relationship with the acrobat. He'd eventually show up at some point but that hadn't been the case. An empty bed was a part of singledom he disliked the most. Right now, he felt single again and that just wouldn't do. "Can't you come to bed tonight?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Busy," Dick answered. That was the answer he always got. If he wasn't busy, he had patrol. If he didn't have patrol, he had missions. Well, not tonight. Wally was determined to get his boyfriend to bed. So, he took a page out of Dick's book.

He hummed and dipped his head down, trailing his lips down Dick's neck. He smiled when he heard the raven-haired hero suck in a shaky breath. "Walls," he mumbled. "I gotta solve this case." Wally rolled his eyes and began letting his hands have a field day along the other's chest and arms before putting them on his shoulders, messaging the tense muscles there. He stopped the light kisses and moved onto making small nips. The hero tilted his head back with a breathy groan. He wanted to give in. God, he wanted to give in so much. Unfortunately, he'd inherited Bruce's inability to leave a case unsolved in favour of having fun. "The case," he argued weakly. He meant for it to come out more forceful but he just couldn't. He wanted this so much. Though, he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't try to resist. There were lives on the line and it wasn't very hero like to have a night of 18+ fun. Wally decided to be a bit more dominant and twirled the chair around so they were now facing each other. He held the other's chin, tilting his head up. It was then when Dick noticed he was shirtless. Wow, he was really out of it if he was missing those obvious details. Perhaps he could fit in a break. "Just come to bed. It can wait for tonight," he insisted. The offer was extremely tempting. He could see the internal debate going on inside his boyfriend's head. He was so close. 

"'M not tired," Dick said. He needed to lose control but that voice in the back of his head was burrowing its way into his thoughts. Wally chuckled lowly, successfully turning on his partner, even more somehow. His eyes darted down to the tent growing in his joggers and he bit his lip nervously. "I think I know a way to get you tired. C'mon baby, you've hardly touched me this week." Dick smirked to himself. That voice would just have to shove it. 

"Then I'd better make up for that." The ginger grinned mischievously and held out his hand. He took it and was immediately dragged back to the bedroom, laughing all the way. 

"Look at you, giggling like a teenager," Wally taunted playfully. A tut came his way and he was pushed back onto the bed. Dick pulled his bottoms off, making him sit up straight, and knelt down. "You don't have to," he was assured. He tugged the other's boxers off quickly, making the speedster hiss as the cold air hit him. 

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