9th Day of Christmas

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Y'all ready for some emotionally frustrated Dick and angst that you didn't ask for?

Edited 06/02/2024: format changes and small additions

It was that time of the year when every elementary school put on a nativity for the crowd of parents who really didn't want to be there but showed up anyway. A week before, Bruce promised that he would go to the play since he had missed quite a few events the school put on for the parents. The boy was ecstatic and spent the entire week mentioning it whenever he could as a reminder.

With that promise in mind, Dick looked out onto the crowd. He wouldn't be on till the final act but he wanted to make sure that his guardian had actually turned up. Behind him, children ran around trying to remember their one line as teachers and students who volunteered from the higher classes chased after them with bits of tinsel to pin to their hair. One of those students happened to be Barbara who only volunteered because he was in the show. She noticed him looking out from the side of the stage and decided to talk to him.

"What're you doing?" she asked. He turned around with a frown.

"Trying to find him," he replied. "He's not here."

"Assuming you're talking about Bruce, I'm sure he'll turn up. I bet he's just late, you know how work can be," she assured him. He didn't seem convinced and kept glancing out at the people who did manage to come on time. "He might come in halfway through since you're at the end of the play," she added. He wouldn't do himself any favours if he kept staring for him to arrive. "Come help me with a few things. It'll be more fun than standing around waiting." Dick had to give it to her, it would be more interesting to help her backstage. He reluctantly left his spot and joined her in helping out track down kids without anything sparkly on their heads.

When she got the free moment, Barbara sent Bruce a quick text. Just to check how things were coming along. 

"Hey, when are you coming?" she asked. She looked around, making sure Dick wasn't hovering behind her. She couldn't be too careful and she didn't want to make him anxious for no reason. 

"What am I coming to again?" he responded. Her heart dropped but she tried to maintain an expressionless face. Maybe he didn't know she was helping out tonight and didn't know what she was referring to, thinking he double-booked himself on accident. 

"You know, the nativity." Typing. Pause. Typing. 

"I forgot." She couldn't believe this. Had he actually forgotten about the play? Dick had been talking about the play all week, how could he have forgotten? It was the topic of every conversation she had with him so it had to be the same at home. 

"You're joking." He didn't respond. He wasn't joking. 

"Something wrong Babs?" Dick asked, seeing her roll her eyes whilst on her phone. 

"No, it's fine. Just my dad forgetting where he put something. I'm gonna call him outside, I'll be right back," she said.

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