7th day of Christmas

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Aromantic_Satan is pandering to my love of reverse batfam with this one

MemeLord257 is our next shout out! Check out their factbook, I've already got some ideas for one-shots based off of it and show them some love!

Strap in pals because I really took this request and just ran with it

WARNING: there will be talk of drugs and underage smoking. If you don't fuck with that no problem because there'll be a different story out tomorrow

Let's go

They knew taking in Dick wouldn't be a walk in the park. For one, he was thirteen so his emotions would be all over the place. Not only that but teenagers were more likely to hide things that really shouldn't be hidden. They also had a nasty habit of resisting new changes. That led to the next problem. Change. Dick hadn't come from an orphanage or from the streets. He'd spent five years in a juvenile detention center for what? He dared to be an orphan when the orphanages were full? God knows how horrible things were in there for him. He didn't have any crime under his belt when he was nine and, from they'd heard from prison guards, he was the victim of trouble rather than its conductor. Yet even with these glaring problems, they still didn't think it would be this hard. Bruce wished for the days when Damian was a kid. Those were much easier than now. It didn't start off particularly difficult. Dick was anti-social but they just assumed that was because he hadn't had his own space in years. He was just enjoying his new room, they thought. They had a small problem with getting him to eat and Alfred had resulted in leaving a tray at the foot of his door with food on it just so the teen ate something. Eventually, he ventured out more and Bruce brought up the subject of school. That sent them back three weeks. When they built up trust again, the option was offered and this time he took it. They actually thought he was making progress. Maybe staying with them had given him a new lease of life. Oh, how wrong they were. They should've realized sooner. Prison life was hard to shake when you'd grown up with it and prison life was never just confined to prisons. Their massive oversight hit them one night when they were out on patrol.

"Any progress with Grayson?" Nightwing inquired. He'd been away on a mission for a week or so, one that called for radio silence, so he was admittedly anxious to hear any news about the new addition to the family. Once they had him settled him, he'd eventually find out about the hero thing then he'd want in. Considering his father's luck with himself and his brothers, Nightwing wanted to try his hand at mentoring. He'd like to share his sword-fighting skills with someone who wouldn't just use it to impress girls. "He's going to school now. The teachers say he's been doing well, even if he does have a bad habit of turning up tardy to lessons. Sometimes half an hour late," Batman replied. That didn't sit well with anyone but the older tried to brush it off. He was still a kid trying to get used to a completely different system. He most likely let his newfound freedom get the best of him and he didn't even notice the time. It would calm down in a week, he was sure of it. "Can he leave school grounds during that time? He'll be the next picking for kidnappers," Red Hood pointed out. They always went after the youngest and Robin had to feel a little more at ease now that he wasn't the youngest. 

"I'm sure he can handle himself," he replied.

"He's been restless all this week," Red Hood pitched in, changing the topic but keeping it on the same person. "What do you mean?"

"Can't you hear him walking about at night? He gets up and walks around for a while then goes back to bed but a few hours later he's back up."

"Could he be sleepwalking?" Nightwing suggested.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now