Switchity Swapity

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MemeLord27 requested this so long ago so lot of love to them for not hating me for that

"I swear to God, I'll turn this team around if you lot keep bickering," Robin announced. Currently, they were running through a London hellscape that was akin to what a British person would see if they ever tripped on acid. It was bad enough trying to find Mad Mod in this place but it was worse when Beast Boy and Kid Flash were arguing about whether Battle Bots 2 was better than Battle Bots 6, Starfire and Cyborg were playing the punch game - the game where when you see a vehicle that's a certain colour you punch the other person - then complaining when they got hit too hard and Raven mumbling curses to herself. He couldn't take one more minute of the incessant noise. "Calm it, grouch, you'll give yourself wrinkles with how angry you're getting," Kid Flash taunted. 

"Shut it Kid Idiot. You're only here because Mod dragged you into this. If it were up to me, you'd be back from wherever you came from," he snapped. The pair had once been part of a young trio and even back then they bickered like crazy. Their relationship was kind of odd in all honesty. They hated each other's guts but when it came to missions they made what they had work. The years of training to deal with one another in a professional manner must've worked. "Let's just concentrate on finding Mod. We don't have a very good track record for when people mess with time," Raven stated.

"Yeah, last time I got turned into an old man. I hope I die before I get that old again," Robin added. 

"Well on that depressing note, I saw him go that way!" Kid Flash yelled before running off down a dark alley. 

"Wait- urgh," the boy wonder said exasperatedly. He should've made the ginger stay where they found him. He was just going to jeopardize the whole mission. "Secure the other side of the alley. I'll go after the idiot. He's probably been turned into a baby or something," he announced.

The group split up, ready to finally get this guy. Mad Mod was one of their more annoying villains. Yeah, his theme was kind of fun but when you saw it the third time around it was just boring. Gimmicks were only fun when they could be repeated. Like Catwoman's whole thing of being a cat. Saying that though, he had a bias. Catwoman was basically his mum at this point. All of this would be less annoying if that stupid speedster just stayed where he was. The Titans worked perfectly fine without some loudmouth clown ruining everything. The sooner this was over the better it would be. "KF, where are you?" he shouted, unable to see anything in the darkness of the alley. How long was this thing? It looked like it went on forever. Maybe he should've made the team stay with him. "So you blokes think you can stop me?" Mad Mod's thick Cockney accent sent shivers of displeasure down Robin's spine. He continued to walk through the pitch-black when he knocked into someone. "Watch where you're going Boy Blunder!" Kid Flash shouted.

"Oh yeah, let me just gain the ability to see in the dark!"

"Screw you, man."

"Screw yourself."

"Enough!" Mad Mod yelled. The ground shook beneath them and suddenly lit up with the Union Jack. 

"Well that's just tacky at this point," Robin mumbled. The heroes tried to get to their feet but the ground was shaking harder than a leaf in a hurricane. What did Mod want with them? If he was turning them into old men, Robin was going to scream. He was going to burst a blood vessel with all these annoyances coming at him at a constant pace. "I think you boys should do a little swapsies. They'll be much more fun to mess with," the villain announced. Suddenly there was a flash of light. Then it was all black.

"What the fuck?" a girl shouted. Who the hell was that?

The team waited patiently but no one exited the alley. Not Mad Mod, not Kid Flash, not Robin. It was like they got teleported away. Maybe the alley was a wormhole. It would be with their luck. "Robin? You in there?" Beast Boy called.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now