Demon Dick

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Demon time i guess- no i don't know how it got to this point either - Fightsong44 is to blame for beginning another niche of mine

Did you guys ever read that vampire birdflash fic? I just want to know if someone has experienced that too

Bitches really be using the collars from bel rev as a way to rehabilitate characters that would easily solve the plot... 

I'm bitches.


Demons. They existed. It came to no real surprise to anyone that knew Robin that he too was a demon. He was the chillest of demons though and he didn't really fit into the whole being evil part. He was more mischievous. His "evil" acts were more to do with revenge on various criminals. Batman had learned to harness this and taught him well to concentrate his mischievous deviousness into something that was more helpful. Of course, no demon was invincible. But you can bet that when they're back on top, they'll make you pay.

The team was sitting together, awaiting their next mission, when the topic of the demonic being that was chilling with them came up. "So how do you work?" Artemis asked bluntly.

"That's a rather broad question. What do you mean?" Robin responded.

"Well I'm sure I've seen you bleed before but surely demons shouldn't bleed," she clarified.

"I'm in a human body so yeah I bleed. I feel everything a human would too before you ask. I just have a higher tolerance to that stuff," he answered. He didn't mind the questions. He was an open book on the subject since if they tattled on anything he said, they'd be considered outright insane. That was always fun. Every so often he'd let Dick Grayson show some demonic tendencies and he'd joyfully watch as some upper-class twat was discredited right before his eyes. It was honestly a wonderful scene and he'd recommend it to any demon out there. "How much salt is too much salt for you?" M'gann inquired. She didn't want to accidentally poison him if she baked him anything. He thought for a moment. 

"Well I stay away from the stuff out of habit but I guess more than a handful would be my limit. The body helps sorta but some guys have a habit of rubbing salt into the cuts which really sucks."

"What happens when you do have too much salt?" Kaldur asked.

"I can jump out of my body and stop what's going on but that's the last resort. If you ever see me do that then...oof." He didn't care to go any further on that thought. He didn't fancy going that far. Not now at least. "I can do it anytime, to be honest, but as I said it's the last resort."

"Like when M'gann brain blasts someone?" Artemis suggested.

"Yeah like that. Only I'm scarier."

Before they could ask any further on the subject, Batman called for a meeting where he delivered their mission. A simple job. In to get some files that shouldn't be in the hands of the wrong people and out without destroying the place preferably. Of course, the dark knight was well prepared for them to fail with the latter part. Especially with his chaotic protege. Only there was one warning. There was a strong possibility that these people knew what Robin was so they had to be careful not to be caught. It's not that he feared what may happen if they were caught - well that wasn't quite true of course he was fearful of that - he was more fearful of what the team would think. Despite Wally's knowledge and brief dealing with the darker side of their youngest, even he might become frightened. The last thing he wanted was their trust to be damaged. Even he could be a little put off by Robin's...less than human side. "Robin, a minute," he called as the team walked towards the jet. The younger nodded and waved to the team to keep walking out of the room. He turned towards his mentor with a smile. "What's up Batsy?" he asked cheerfully. 

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