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(EDIT: why did I just not put a name here? IDK who requested this now why did i do this?)

Okily dokily let's just ignore what came before this and get into some fluffy brotherly content

I haven't seen the third season of YJ because it's pretty hard to find the episodes outside of the dc app, so I'm sticking with the idea that they just rebuilt the mountain for people to live in

Also, all I know about Jon is stuff from fanfic so he might be a little ooc since I didn't read the comics (even though there was a run where he teamed up with Damian and I've seen sc and it's so adorable but my comic book shop doesn't sell that run)

"You know, I've never met your brothers," Cassie said, addressing Red Robin, Nightwing, and Connor. They frowned in thought. 

"So you haven't come to think of it," Nightwing confirmed. Though, he assumed there was more to the sentence than just a passing thought. 

"And you don't want to. It's bad enough that we have to deal with them," Red Robin added.

"I highly disagree," Bart argued. "I wanna meet them too." He stood by Cassie who gave him a triumphant smile. 

"Let's be democratic about it then," Connor suggested, not fancying to hear a load of teenagers winge and moan for the next hour. That's the problem with kid heroes. They could and would be so stubborn. "All in favour of meeting our brothers?" The team, excluding Red Robin, put their hands up. 

"Dude, what the hell?" he shouted, punching Nightwing in the arm. 

"What? They can behave themselves for an hour. Maybe they'll even join the team," he replied. The younger groaned dramatically and threw his arms up in the air. 

"Fine, let's just make destroying this mountain a family tradition!"

"That was petty even for you."

The next day, the trio told their brothers to come to the mountain. To make sure they did come, Nightwing made it mandatory unless they wanted to be benched from all the big action for that month. Admittedly it would put them in a bad mood but when weren't they? "We need to lay down some ground rules before they come," Red Robin announced. Most of the team had come to meet their siblings, except for the older members of the team due to a preplanned mission they couldn't get out of. Due to that, the younger ones were left and they hadn't heard the rules to meeting a Bat sibling nor a Super sibling. "First rule, never look them in the eyes. You're either inviting them to take a swing or making yourself liable to going blind," he continued. They raised their eyebrows. 

"Jon can forget about his powers when he daydreams," Connor clarified.

"Second rule, don't pick fights unless you want everything to hurt the next morning." They nodded. Both Robin and Red Hood were rougher than their counterparts and it would just be plain idiocy if they thought angering a super was a good idea, even if they thought they could win a fight against them. "Thirdly, don't try and convert Red Hood. Trust us, the furthest he'll go is using rubber bullets."

"Finally, they're teens just like you so have fun," Nightwing concluded, "Also don't let any of them go near matches."

Before they could really ruminate on the addition, the brothers' arrival was announced. They excitedly waited for them to turn the corner, wondering if they were just as excited to see them as they were. Robin came in first with Jon right by his side. He had an arm around the shorter, making a goofy grin, whilst Robin grimaced. Behind them was Red Hood, his expression hidden by his red helmet. Red Robin and Nightwing gave him a pointed glare, as though they saw him gritted his teeth underneath his helmet. They lessened after a few moments. "Team, these are my brothers. Robin and Red Hood," Nightwing announced, pointing to each respectively. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now