Blame discord

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I was originally going to scrap this story but people on discord said they wanted to see it and gave suggestions on how to end it sooooooooo blame them for the following pain

special thanks to Supergirl406 for helping me with the ending to this go check them out :)


It was cold that day. Barbara remembered every part of it in painful detail. She'd just come home from shopping for a few essentials and found the apartment empty. That wasn't too surprising since Dick liked to go on patrol early sometimes. Since it was winter and the nights were longer it was sort of necessary that he did. She shrugged to herself and closed the door behind her before wheeling herself to the kitchen. She found herself happy that Dick was getting back into his work. Ever since things turned sour with the team, he'd been a shell of himself. It had to be expected though. His friends thought he killed Wally and so did he. As she went past the breakfast bar to put in the food, she noticed a piece of paper with her name on it. It wasn't in an envelope so it couldn't have been mail. She put the bags to one side and took the paper, unfolding it. "Hey Babs, I'm sorry for everything. This is the only way I know how to fix things. Maybe they won't be angry with me. If I'm lucky I'll get one of those holo things but I don't deserve it. I know that. I also know that not everybody blames me but I just can't do it if they blame me, you know? I'm sure you'll find another guy much better than I am. All I ask is that my body is buried next to my parents. Peace of mind and that. Goodbye Babs, tell 'em I'm sorry won't you?" Her hands shook as she finished the note. He couldn't be seriously thinking of this? But he must've been. Why else would there be a note? Did she have time? How long had he been out for? The questions swirled around her head before she finally willed herself to move. She snatched up the nearest phone and called the first number that came into her head. "M'gann speaking, how can I-" 

"I need you to look for Dick," she interrupted. She was on a time limit but she had no idea of how long. They couldn't waste a moment on pleasantries. 

"You know we aren't really-"

"That idiot is going to kill himself! Please just set aside your differences for now," she begged. It was times like this where she wished she could still walk. She'd search and search until she found him. Now she couldn't even go up the stairs. He could be anywhere and she was trapped to whatever building catered to her disability. "What? He wouldn't," M'gann said. 

"I saw the damned note! I-I can try to find coordinates for his tracker but please can't you and the team just search? Please for me if not for him."

"Alright, I can get the group together. We'll find him," she replied before hanging up. Barbara could only hope they'd find him alive.

Unfortunately, Dick had been tactical. He'd taken off his tracker so it looked like he was still in the apartment. With nothing to go off, the team was just blindly searching for him. They didn't even know if he was out as Nightwing or as Dick. It wrenched M'gann's heart to ask the younger members to help in the search. They didn't need to see their previous leader like this. She'd give him hell for putting them through hell. First, he gets Wally killed now he makes it about himself. She couldn't believe how selfish he was being. He was nothing like the kid he used to be. That kid would never concoct such as a stupid plan that would put all of his friends in danger. "Why are we even looking?" Connor complained. "A life for a life right?"

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