Kidnapped Kids Pt 1

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CloeTheTealSnake this is why I needed to know the effects of chloroform 

Jason - 11

Dick - 3

Don't question my ages okay 


Jason huffed loudly as he sat on the couch flipping through the channels with Dick's head on his lap. Why did he have to be left with the baby? Just because he didn't want to go to some dumb old stuffy dinner party that would drag on for hours. It wasn't his fault that he hated those things. People gave him dirty looks and he couldn't stand how snobby the other kids were. Plus the food there was in tiny portions so he'd still be hungry even after dinner. Still, he could've gone out on patrol or done something better with his time. They could've brought Dick with them even if he was a little young. He didn't need to watch over his toddler brother. It was like they were punishing him for something. He glanced over to where Dick was having a nap. At least he wasn't crying or screaming. Dick usually only cried when he was waking up so he just hoped he napped longer than usual and slept through the entire night. That was very much wishful thinking but he liked to think about it. He overheard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs during the minute of silence between flicking channels but attributed them to Alfred. The butler was probably just checking in on him and Dick. God knows how much Alfred loved the baby of the family. He spoilt Dick rotten. He always gave him the best food, made sure he got all the attention he needed and then some and made sure he always had a sweet treat even if he didn't eat all his dinner. It was a miracle that Dick wasn't chubby. In fact, he was still on the thin side. They guessed he just had a good metabolism from his parents. He also inherited their flexibility. None of them felt more fear than the moment Dick did the Exorcist walk down the stairs. It was truly terrifying. He promised never to do it again.

The footsteps came closer. There was something Jason didn't like about the footsteps. They were too heavy to be Alfred's and sometimes it sounded like there was more than one set. He furrowed his eyebrows and lightly shook Dick awake. Now that he thought about it, he didn't hear Alfred come back from dropping his family off at the party. He didn't remember ever hearing the door close and he had a great memory. Dick yawned tiredly, rubbing at his eyes, and gave Jason a sleepy glare. It was very cute. He seemed to catch on something was up because Jason wasn't teasing him about snoring too loud. "What's up, Jay?" he asked. He could barely keep his eyes open and that couldn't be blamed. He'd only slept for ten minutes when he normally slept for an hour. 

"I think there's someone else in the house," Jason whispered.

"Alfred?" He shook his head. A look of terror swept across Dick's face. He knew it was only supposed to be him, Jason and Alfred, in the house tonight. Both knew that their family would be out till midnight and it was barely past 5 pm yet. There was no good reason for anyone else other than those previously named to be in the house. The older of the pair got onto his feet and cautiously tiptoed to the doorway. He peeked out from behind the door then scanned the hall. Lower down he could see shadows moving along the wall. He quickly dipped back into the room and planned on what to do next. They weren't close to an entrance to the Batcave so retreating there wasn't an option. They had to hide in the room. But where? There weren't too many places in the room they could hide but they could do it. No doubt the people in their house were looking for something. Maybe they could just hide whilst they took some expensive paintings and china. Jason debated on whether to fight back or not but he had to protect his little brother first plus he didn't know the first thing about who these people were. If he lost the fight, which could be plausible since he didn't have any weapons and he didn't know how many people were there or what level they were trained to in combat, then Dick would be left alone to fend for himself. Dick couldn't fight. He was three. He looked around the room and found a cupboard. It'll do. He grabbed Dick's hand and they crept over to the cupboard, making sure they didn't make too much noise that would draw attention to themselves.

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