One bad day is all it takes

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Okay so this story is angsty as all hell but there's a lil fluff there

There's some coincidental shit going on but I think it's cute so fight me...with words


Edited 07/02/2024: format change and small additions

They say it takes one bad day to turn a hero into a villain yet people scoffed at the thought of Robin turning to a life of evil. After all, he'd always been the spritely child running around Gotham fighting criminals. He had a pure heart untouched by the villainy of the world. Joker wanted to prove that wrong. What else showed his merciless nature than turning the youngest hero against justice itself? A plan was hatched and no one was prepared for what would follow.

Robin often did lone patrols of Gotham on slow nights. He'd turned thirteen not long ago and was granted a new sense of freedom along with it. He jumped from building to building, looking down alleyways for any sort of trouble and listening out for the frightened yells from average citizens trying to make their way home. He didn't find much. After four hours of being out in the cold, he'd only stopped two muggings. He needed something to stimulate his ever-wandering attention or all he was going to focus on was how cold he felt. Soon, his eyes fell upon a building that was supposed to be closed down due to health and safety issues. 

"Small blessings," he muttered to himself. Robin flipped down to one of the skylights and took a look inside. Instead of seeing some sort of gang meeting or drug deal, he found what looked like a giant present. He pulled out his radio and contacted Batman. 

"Found something interesting?" a gruff voice asked.

"You could say that." He gave his position to his mentor before looking for a discrete way in.

"Be careful."


Robin got down from the roof and found a hole in the side of the metal wall. He smiled at his luck and crawled through it. There was nobody inside, not even a few incompetent criminals protecting whatever this giant present really was. He shrugged at the oddness of it. Maybe they were out on a smoke break, he thought. He strolled up to the giant present and looked around it, finding a computer terminal on one side. 

"This just gets weirder and weirder," he muttered. He turned on the computer and found that this present was a bomb Joker was going to use. Robin couldn't believe his luck. Batman was sure to reward him for finding it before anyone else. Before even a ransom or ultimatum had been released. He began to disarm the bomb and then looked to see if it was connected to any others like it. If it was then he would've stopped a mass bombing. Pretty good for a kid, not to brag. As he worked, he rubbed his chin. It helped him concentrate. That and humming. He would be humming now but his ears were strained to hear any potential threat so rubbing his chin would have to do.

Just as he began looking for other bombs he heard the infamous cackle. He whipped around and into a fighting stance to find the clown prince of crime himself. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now