Crack time baby

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Thank beamerboyx for this 


There was one thing you could be assured when Robin, Red Arrow and Kid Flash spent time together. One of them was going to get hurt. It varied from a little scratch to something that needed a ten-hour surgery. How they got into these predicaments was a mystery. By all accounts, they were three very capable boys who could do the job with no problem. But what their mentors consistently neglected to acknowledge that when they got together, they had about five minutes of being smart saved up for when they needed it. This meant they were complete and total idiots the rest of the time. Sometimes that was good. Torture wasn't so bad when you were cracking jokes. Sometimes it's bad because when you're trying to come up with a response to someone saying the only Dick you'll ever love is Wally's you tend to forget to dodge the very big knife stabbing into your side. "Oops," Robin stated when he found himself in that exact position I described. He punched the stabber in the face and, in a moment of being a pure dumbass, he pulled out the knife. "KF, knife to see you," he greeted, waving the weapon around. The speedster laughed until he realized the knife had blood on it. Robin's blood to be exact. "You got freaking stabbed!"

"Oh crap yeah," he mumbled. "Hey RA, I got stabbed again!"

"Bats is gonna kill me!"

"If anyone's being killed, it's me. From bleeding out. Heh. Good one," he responded, already deliriously. In all fairness, there was a lot of blood pouring from the wound. He was already losing the focus in his eyes. Though they couldn't really see that thanks to the white lenses of his domino mask. He felt his knees grow weak and stumbled forward, only just being caught by Kid Flash. "He's in a bad way, you need to call someone!" he exclaimed.

"I'm coolio honest. Very asterous."

"Oh God, he's speaking gibberish!" Red Arrow got out his communicator and went through the list. Who wouldn't beat his ass as bad when they found out what happened to the youngest member of the League? Batman, Wonder Woman, Black Canary- Oh this one wouldn't be too bad. He pressed the contact and nervously waited for the dial tone to end. "Green Arrow speaking."

"Heyyyy," Red Arrow greeted.

"Who got hurt this time?" the older asked in an exasperated tone.

"Robin. He was kind of harshly poked with a knife."

"He was stabbed?" Green Arrow shrieked.

"Harshly poked with a knife yep."

"You're an idiot. Give me the location and I'll be over there as fast as I can."

"Good because he's kind of like a living chocolate fountain right now. The chocolate being blood."

Fast was incredibly fast and within no less than ten minutes of receiving the location, a small jet was landing not too far away from them. Green Arrow dashed out and met the boys. He cringed when he saw all the blood on the floor. Luckily, their five minutes of smartness had kicked in and Red Arrow was applying pressure to the wound to prevent Robin from dying from blood loss. "Sup, how's it hangin?" Robin slurred.

"How much blood has he lost?" he asked.

"More than a handful," Kid Flash answered.

"That's not a useful measurement!" He took a deep breath. They were dumbasses, yes but they were all kids so it was to be expected. He let out a sigh and tried to calm down. "Just get him into the medbay." They nodded and picked the younger up, keeping pressure on the stab wound as they carried him inside. It wasn't really a two-person job but they both wanted to feel helpful. Once they got him inside, they put him on the bed and let Green Arrow take the lead. "What's his type?" the hero asked, looking through the fridge where they kept the blood bags.

"Well, he likes green eyes, ginger hair-"

"No! His blood type! Why would I ask what his type was?"

"I don't know your life, you might've cared to know!" Kid Flash defended, a hot flush of embarrassment reddening his freckled cheeks. The older rolled his eyes.

"Dick, you gotta tell me your blood type." Robin squinted his eyes then glanced down to his hand. He stared at the wet glove for a while before nodding to himself as though he'd confirmed something. "Red." Green Arrow facepalmed. They were useless.

"Roy, please tell me you know his blood type." Red Arrow stared at him dumbfounded.

"There are different types?" Green Arrow rolled his eyes and took out the blood bag labeled universal. It would do for now since they didn't know and there was no way he trusted them to be on their own whilst he tried to look up his blood type on the system. "I'm starting to see why Bruce didn't want you three working alone." He hooked Robin up to the blood bag to try and replace what he'd lost.

"Wait...did you call me gay before?" Robin asked.

"You're dating Wally, you've got to be at least a little gay."

"Oh yeahh, loove you Walls."

"Aw babe, I love you too."


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