High as a kite but ready to fight the finale

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He thought about Grayson luck. It always got worse before it got better. The sandstorm must be just a part of it.

Robin put the computer screen back up and found it reciting some random numbers. In the chaos of the sandstorm coming in, he'd forgotten what the numbers related to. It would come back to him later on. "Tell me how to make the antidote," he ordered. The screen went blank before step one was typed out. 

"Step one: Cut up the flower into 1✕1cm pieces and place in alcohol for twenty minutes," it replied. Robin groaned at the effort of making all the pieces so small but he didn't have much choice in the matter unless he wanted his brother to die. He got up to gather some supplies then sat back down. Deciding to read the instructions in case he forgot anything, he put his finger on the mousepad so he could move the cursor from word to word. "Detecting strong levels of stress voice. Initializing comfort program along with instructions," the AI announced. Robin raised an eyebrow at the device, wondering what it was going to do. The hologram of Nightwing returned with a soft smile. One that had always been comforting to see. "Hey Timbo, I'm guessing the reason why you're using my computer isn't a good one. And I'm also guessing that you're stressed since this is showing up," he said in a light tone.

"You got that right," Robin mumbled, cutting up the flower into a jar.

"I trust you to do the right thing. You're the smartest person I know, and I'm pretty smart. Don't tell Babs or she'll kick my ass," he stated. They chuckled at the same time which was surprisingly not unsettling. It was nice. Like he was really there helping him through everything. "Point is, you don't need to be stressed. Whatever happens, I know you've done your best because you always do your best. Hope this helped buddy." The hologram faded away and the instructions came into full view. Robin stared at the empty space for a moment. He really wanted that hologram to stick around.

After putting on a few bags ice on all of Dick's limbs, Alfred sat down beside the young man. He'd been quiet for the most part aside from the occasional chunnerings to himself. His eyes were squeezed closed and his jaw was clenched. All presumably due to the fever ravishing his body. His temperature had risen steadily since Batman and Robin set off but it was manageable. Alfred reached out and held his clammy hand to provide some comfort. "Alfie, is it just me or is it freezing in here?" he asked, barely opening his eyes. 

"It's cold in here," Alfred lied, entertaining the thought that this was just a small chill rather than what could kill him. It made watching Dick writhe in discomfort better if he just thought about it being temporary. "Where's my lil bro?"

"He's out getting medicine with Bruce. He'll be back soon." The acrobat nodded and drifted off to sleep. He was exhausted from the fight plus the fever so it was no wonder he couldn't stay awake for very long. "Sleep well Master Dick," Alfred said though it landed on deaf ears. He continued to hold the younger's hand hoping it warded the nightmares off. Knowing their luck, they'd come. He rubbed small circles on the back of his hand and watched his chest rise and fall. Bruce would be back soon and everything would be okay but there was a pit in his stomach that said something bad was bound to happen. He could always sense when something bad happened. Looking after a family of vigilantes made him wise enough to listen to that feeling but today he'd be foolish and ignore it. He couldn't take another hit of losing one of his boys. Especially Dick. He was a relic from a time before each new shiny companion was told the fate of the second Robin as a cautionary tale.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now