I needed an angst drop

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I just really needed this

continuation of even more Talon!Dick ig?





Robin looked out onto the city. He took a deep breath as the wind whistled past him. His feet were barely on the edge of the building. Everything felt right again. It hadn't been right in a while but in this moment it was oh so perfect. He listened to the symphony of cars racing down the streets and people rushing to get home now that darkness was settling in. The stars were shining a little brighter that night. The moon glowed in the sky, only partially covered by a small cloud. The night was a little cold but he liked it that way. A bit of cold kept him cool whilst he did his job. He reached down to his grappling hook and pulled it out. His eyes scanned the skyline for the perfect place to lodge the hook. He looked on the bright side of things now. His improved sight meant that he could see further and risk more. He grinned when he found the spot but he didn't shoot the hook yet. There was no fun in that. The adrenaline rush he craved didn't come from that. It was far too safe. No, instead he took a few steps back then ran and jumped off the edge. Everything slowed down. Streetlights blurred as he fell. He twisted in the air so he could feel the wind in his face. The ground was coming closer and closer but he liked to leave it to the last minute. It gave him the best rush. He turned and shot his grappling hook. It wedged onto the stone and thrust him high into the air. He landed on the new roof moments later and collected the hook. He sprinted over to the edge of the rooftop, backflipping off of it and landing on the next building. Cackles rang through the streets as he made his way around Gotham to the old clock tower. Every night of patrol, the Batfamily would meet at the tower and check-in with one another. It was an easy way to figure out who needed a little more help and quickly ruled out who was missing in action. The clock tower also had some semblance to him. He cared for it dearly as it was there that he was finally freed from the Talon's control.

He scaled the tower and slipped inside, waving to his family cheerily. "You look like you're having a fun night," Red Hood commented, seeing his brother's happy demeanor. The younger nodded. 

"Yeah. It just feels like things are getting back to normal," he responded. He expected to get some happy words of encouragement towards his new upbeat attitude but there were none. Now that he repeated Red Hood's words in his head, they didn't sound as kind. The tone sounded strained. Forced. "What's going on?" he asked, suddenly feeling the tenseness in the air. Their eyes fell anywhere but on him. "What happened?"

"Information got out about us. Information that could only be leaked by one of us," Nightwing informed him. Robin raised an eyebrow. 

"Do you know who it is?" he inquired.

"Don't play the fool with us. We know it was you," Red Robin accused angrily. The younger took a step back in shock. This wasn't happening. No. Things were finally falling into place. 

"I didn't do anything," he insisted.

"What was I thinking taking you in? You're clearly still working for them," Batman replied. Nobody believed him but they had to. He was making progress. He was being a good kid and now they thought he was the bad guy? Robin didn't want to be the bad guy anymore. He wanted to be on their side. "I'm not! The Court and I haven't interacted since I killed my handler," he defended but his defense landed upon deaf ears.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now