Are Y'all Ready?

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Blue1_Trident you wanted angst, you're getting angst in this over 6000-word story so thank them for inspiring me to write this

It wasn't every night you saw a private army stroll through the streets of Gotham so when Red Hood spotted them he was rather enthralled on where they were headed. He noticed a straggler in the group and decided that would be his best bet on getting the hot tea. He climbed down and onto the side street, waiting in the shadows for the man. As he went past, he grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in, disarming him and holding him against the wall. "What're you doing here?" he asked in a gruff voice. The man stayed quiet for a moment but when he felt cold metal touch the side of his forehead he became rather talkative. 

"We're coming back from our commission," he replied.

"And where was that?"

"Nightwing's base." Red Hood froze. The army was substantial. They surely would've been outnumbered. Considering none of them was walking back in low spirits, the fight must've gone in their favour. "Who sent you?"

"Penguin." Of course, that freak would want payback. Dick had taken a large amount of territory off him during his time in prison and nobody took land off him without a fight. He pulled the trigger and slipped into the shadows, leaving the body for someone to find on their walk to work. Sure the sight would put a bleak spin on the day but he had more important things to worry about than hiding a body. What happened to Dick? Judging by where he was now, the army would've finished their attack an hour and a half ago. Throughout that time he hasn't received any calls for backup and, considering he was the new go-to, that didn't spell good news. Maybe he skipped town but he was too stubborn for that. Red Hood spotted a motorcycle glinting under the light of a lamp post and decided it would be the lesser of two evils to steal it to get to where he needed to go. He could just return it to the same place when he felt like it. No harm done. He jumped down and hotwired it, revving the engine loudly before racing off to his brother's base. He'd give up pretty much anything just to see Dick alive. Alcohol, his guns, his cigarettes, his criminal good looks. He just didn't want to come across something that he feared was certain to greet him.

Dick hummed a tune to himself as he ran his fingers through David's hair. He worked through the knots in his ginger locks and picked out the clots of blood. His other hand was holding David's cold hand. He didn't take his eyes off the blank expression in front of him. He'd stopped breathing maybe an hour or so ago but Dick didn't notice. He didn't look up to see the rest of his gang. He knew what would happen. He'd see them all lying in pools of glistening crimson. The raid had been sudden. The new recruits were luckily away training so weren't part of the slaughter. Dick didn't think he could deal with that. They were pretty young. Early twenties. He might still call on their services but for now, he wouldn't tell them of the massacre. He'd been so sure that no one would even attempt to rival him but perhaps he was naive. Penguin had hired a private army. Knowing him they were one of the best on the market. They'd come in guns blazing. A group restrained him right away and made him watch as each of his men fought till their last breath. Then they threw him aside. He'd been too shaken to fight so he immediately found David. He ran to his body just as the light was beginning to leave his eyes. He didn't cry. Dick suspected that he couldn't even if he tried to. So, instead of crying his eyes out and screaming curses at the sky, he sat down and put his boyfriend's head in his lap. He pretended he was just asleep but the blots of blood made the lie hard to believe. He didn't know how long he would sit there before he got a hold of himself and sought revenge. He just knew that he'd sit there until it didn't feel right to. Cold wet blood had soaked into his clothes. The stains would be hell to get out. Maybe he'd keep them since he couldn't see himself bothering to wash them out. Not that it mattered how he looked anyway. David would say something about him looking good anyhow. He'd miss the compliments weaved into everyday conversation that he wouldn't notice at first but thinking back it would bring a blush to his face. That was nice. He liked that.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now