Kidnapped Kids Pt 2

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CloeTheTealSnake is gonna kill me if I do my original idea so i'll have it be an alternative thing where there are two endings


Time felt weird. They knew they'd been in the stone room for three days, judging by the beatings, but they didn't know whether it was night or day. There were no windows to check when the sky went dark or when it was bright. Jason had lost hope but Dick remained positive that Batman would come find them. They were sitting on opposing sides of the room, panting tiredly from their latest beating. Dick held his stomach, crying, trying to breathe through the pain like Jason had told him. "He's not coming," Jason muttered to himself as he stared up at the ceiling. He hadn't meant for it to slip out but he couldn't help it. Everything hurt so much, he couldn't be blamed for speaking his mind. Dick glanced up at him and shook his head. "He will." He didn't sound as confident as he once did. Being in the room was getting to him.

"Oh come off it. He won't, we're not like the others," he snapped. Dick flinched at his harsh tone and glanced away. He didn't want to believe him yet he found himself doing so. Jason was right about a lot of things. He could be right about this. "We are," he whispered pathetically. Jason rolled his eyes.

"Dick we're not. Damian is his actual son and Tim is super smart. What does that make us?" There was a small pause.

"Street rats," Dick answered quietly. The description wasn't foreign to him nor was it foreign to Jason. They were the street rats of the Waynes. The charity cases. The pair that were the odd ones out in the family. "But we have each other? Right?" he asked desperately. Jason smiled sadly and limped over to his side of the room. He put his arm around the younger, even if it was painful to do so. Dick cuddled up to him instantly. "Yeah. We do."

Everything hurt so much. The boys stared at each other as they lay on the floor next to one another. Their latest beating was too much. They both knew it. Tears were rolling down their faces as they both came to the realization they probably wouldn't make it to see the men hurt them again. Whether the tears were because they were sad or happy by that realization, they couldn't tell. They heard the two men who hurt them whisper panicked words to one another. "We have to make it look like they're still alive," one whispered. They couldn't see which one was talking. If they died right there and then, they didn't want the lasts of their sight to be wasted on the kidnappers. They focused on one another. "I guess we could prop them up? Maybe stop the videos and just send bits of them?"

"You're a genius!" With that, they left the room and locked the heavy door behind them. Not that it matters. The two boys could hardly breath without hurting, moving and walking around would be near impossible. Dick reached out for the other's hand and Jason was happy to hold his. Both were fearful of what would happen to them afterward. Even though Batman never came for them, they didn't want him to see something horrifying become of them. It wouldn't be fair. "I'll show you to my parents," he said, squeezing his hand weakly. He had a pained smile on his face as the dreaded black dots began to invade his vision. Jason chuckled softly and squeezed his hand back to keep him awake just a little longer. "I'd like that," he replied. "I love you, Dickie," he added, his eyelids beginning to droop. Dick closed his eyes and, as his smile began to fade, responded, "I love you too Jason."

"Did you hear that?" the ringleader of the kidnappers asked. The four were sitting at the top of the hall where they were keeping the boys, playing poker. There wasn't much else to do and there'd be even less to do when the boys didn't make it through the night. His men paused, straining their ears to try and hear what their boss did. "I don't hear anything." Right as he said that, their surroundings were clouded by smoke. They jumped out of their seats onto to be knocked out and fall limply to the ground. "Search the rooms. They're here somewhere," Batman announced. Nightwing and Red Hood nodded. They ran through the door, kicking doors open and not bothering that they were breaking locks. After each, they yelled clear. Every time they had a dud, they worried that they'd gotten the wrong place. They knew the boys couldn't take much more if they didn't find them now. Their time frame to save them was getting smaller and smaller. They kept kicking until Red Hood found the right room. He was instantly horrified by the sight he was greeted with. "In here!" he screamed, the emotion of seeing them bloodied and limp on the floor getting the best of him. He dashed into the room and fell to his knees in front of them. He took off his gloves and put two fingers against their wrists. A pulse. It was faint and beginning to weaken even more. Batman and Nightwing joined him in the room, gulping loudly.  "We need to get them out of here quickly," Red Hood informed them. He collected Jason in his arms and Nightwing picked up Dick. Both the boys groaned at being picked up, most likely because the movement had caused some sort of pain. The three rescuers glanced at one another. They should've been here sooner.

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