A sibling and a father pt 2

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Rose Tyler tops Ten and if you say any different I will respectfully disagree but spitefully

also still have angst to get out so have this pls 

mayybe jos maybe it's mentol illness innit?


As soon as the suggestion that he could live in with them whilst Dick healed, Damian snapped up the chance. He'd grown rather protective of Dick. He was pretty much the best part of his day and he just couldn't lose that. HIm and Wally had crossed wires over the matter since the ginger wasn't that much better. Their relationship had gotten better though so he was comfortable having a little terror around. He could do with the help anyway. Since it was the school holidays, Damian could be there for Dick during the day whilst he was at work and make sure the ex Talon didn't do something stupid when he was hurt. Damian was staying in the spare bedroom in the apartment. It normally housed one of the Batboys who wanted a pit stop nap during patrol which led to Damian locking the windows after Tim tried sleepily fell on top of the bed whilst he was in it.

Dick was laying in bed beside his sleeping boyfriend, staring at the ceiling and following the cracks with his eyes. He could feel it. The burn in his lungs from being forced back in the box he'd spent so long in. He hadn't told anyone what happened to him and it was starting to drive him crazy. Wally had mentioned his restlessness at night and he knew that wasn't the only thing he'd noticed. He'd probably seen his aversion to being touched. Him sitting up and scanning the room for hours on end when he was supposed to be resting. His inability to relax. Damian must've seen it too. He'd catch the small frowns of worry here and there. Yet none of that gave him the right incentive to tell either of them what had gone on. They were already taking care of him, they shouldn't have to shoulder the reason why. It was his own fault anyway. They wouldn't spare him any sympathy. In the kitchen, he heard Damian walking about and the clinking of pans. The domestic noise made him slightly more comfortable but he was still on edge. Talons were supposed to be vigilant when they were at their weakest as did heroes so he was never able to shake that training off. He listened to the click of the stove lighting itself. His hearing was brilliant. Not all of his Court given abilities were bad he supposed. There was a fridge door being opened, a few things are taken out. He guessed that Damian was making breakfast. Good. The kid needed to eat with all the training he did. He glanced over at the alarm clock. Wally would need to get up soon for his job. The anxiety would kick in soon. He didn't like Wally leaving him whilst he was recovering. He wouldn't be able to be there for him if trouble found him. Wally could get hurt or worse. The possibility of either scared him to no end.

Suddenly there was a clang of pots and a loud shout. Whether it was from pain or shock, Dick didn't care. He shot up, ignoring the agony of moving so fast, and ran at the top speed his aching body allowed. When he reached the kitchen, however, he was met with Damian picking up the pans and grumbling to himself. He glanced up at the older, shocked that he'd made it out of bed. The adrenaline wore off upon seeing the only threat to his brother was his own early morning clumsiness. He let out a sigh of relief and leaned on the doorframe. He felt dizzy. Maybe he should've just told Wally to check. There was a pain in his side too. Either he had a stitch or snapped a few. "Grayson, what on Earth are you doing running about?" Damian asked.

"I heard you shout and the pans. I thought something bad happened," he explained, panting. Why was he panting? Did the room always swirl like that? There was something wet on his side. It was dripping down his torso and soaked into his pajama pants. He didn't think he could break a sweat that was only concentrated in one area. He was pretty sure no one could do that. "Christ Dick, you nearly gave me- you're bleeding," Wally greeted, suddenly appearing by his partner's side. Ah. That made more sense. 

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