T A L O N ! D I C K

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Y'all hankerin for Talon Dick and Cass content? No? Too bad

TW: Self-harm will be mentioned but not graphically//blood





Batgirl grunted as she was thrown against a wall. She was losing this fight and badly. To be fair to her though, her right arm had been broken halfway through so her ability to fight was less so than normal. She always hated fighting Clayface. Well, hate was a strong word. She incredibly disliked it. He didn't need to have a good fight overall to do some damage, her broken arm being proof of that. She rolled to the side to dodge a punch whilst hissing in pain due to the jostle of her broken bone. This fight needed to be wrapped up and fast but at this rate, it would be another hour or so. Although she didn't like to do it, she wasn't left with much choice. She had to call in one of her family members. Which one was free? Her answer came in the form of a window shattering and light footsteps hitting the ground. Instantly she knew who it was. This probably won't end well. Robin's entrance grabbed the villain's attention which gave Batgirl a moment to make a makeshift splint for her arm. Robin dodged each punch thrown at him before throwing a capsule of dry ice at the flowing mud, freezing it then ran up it. He grabbed a disc from his back pocket and slapped it into Clayface's face, causing him to reel back and snap off his icy limb. Robin backflipped away and continued until he was beside his older sibling. He pushed her back a few spaces then pressed the trigger on the disc. This sent an electric shock through the villain, forcing him into unconsciousness. There were sounds of sirens outside the building which were bound for them. Batgirl looked down at her younger sibling who had gently pulled at her injured arm. He remained silent as he tightened the makeshift splint since she couldn't apply the same pressure with only one hand. She nodded her thanks to which he didn't reply.

"Are you kids alright?" Jim Gordon announced as a small army of armed policemen surrounded Clayface. His sudden outburst sent Robin into attack mode that was only just about halted by the older hero's tight grip of his shoulder. "Safe people," she whispered. The last thing she needed was to tranquilize her younger brother because he got too protective and started to throw punches over it. "Do you need any help?" the commissioner asked, seemingly unaware that he could've had his ass handed to him by a small child. Batgirl shook her head. She much preferred to treat her wounds in the comfort of the Batcave rather than some cold hospital room. Her broken bone didn't break the skin and should heal with a cast. If it didn't, it wasn't like corrective surgery was out of Bruce's price range. "Alright, thanks for the catch, you two. Have a safe night." Robin took this as the cue to leave and took hold of Batgirl's hand, leading her carefully through the crowds and giving a heart-stopping glare to anyone who dared to get too close. He took her behind the building where he'd spied her motorcycle in the first place. Technically it was Jason's but she was allowed to borrow it for the night. When he found the bike, he took the helmet off and handed it to her. She shook her head. Only one of them could wear the helmet since there was only one. She could survive a wipeout and didn't want him to be forced to use that God awful Talon serum that allowed him to heal. He forced her to take it from him, clearly not one to be negotiated with. "Mission?"

"Protect you." She sighed. Did she have time to deal with this? Her arm was killing her, the pain only being dulled slightly through both adrenaline and sheer will power but neither would last much longer. Robin would understand that. He was always nice about it if they didn't have the ability to knock him straight out of it. Seeing no other way out of it, she relented and took the helmet. Robin got onto the bike, moving further on the seat so she could sit on the back. At least it was only a short ride and he was a good driver so the risks weren't exceedingly high. "Careful," she stated as she slipped on the helmet. After she'd wrapped her arms around the younger, successfully steadying herself, Robin set off weaving through the streets tactically to get her home as fast as possible.

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