2nd day of Christmas

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Our next story is from Frosty9000isawesome and our shout out for today is for CloeTheTealSnake! Stories? Amazing. Personality? Superb. Hotel? Trivago.

Also, I had to look past so much Dick x Slade stuff in order to get their dynamic in fanfics AND I STILL DON'T KNOW



"You've got to be kidding me," Dick stated. The family was at the breakfast table when Bruce broke the news about what the brother's monthly mission would be. It was family rules that the brothers had to work on one mission per month in order to maintain their teamwork skills. The only one who seemed to look forward to it was Dick but it seemed on this occasion he was joining the sentiment of his brothers. There was something somewhat shocking about seeing him so distasteful at their mission but they couldn't blame him. "It's the end of the month and you still haven't done a mission together. Tonight is the only night where you're all free. There isn't much choice in the matter," Bruce replied. He looked just as unhappy with the mission as his eldest but he was right. There wasn't much choice in the matter. Family rules were family rules. If they started bending them then they'd never keep to any of them and no one could afford for the gun rule to be bent. Back before it was put in place, Bruce had a rather hard time explaining the bullet holes riddling five of the guest bedrooms. He never lived the rumours of being a serial killer down. "I'm not doing it. You know how I get when I work on cases about him. I promised Kory I wouldn't do it again," Dick argued. 

"Oh, he's got you there Brucey. If she gets word of this you're screwed," Jason taunted. 

"Plus Babs will get involved. Then you're well and truly screwed," Tim added.

"You're all being childish. You can deal with the Joker so you can deal with Deathstroke, end of," Bruce stated firmly. He made sure to finish the conversation by picking up his phone to look through his schedule for today. Dick scowled at him, slamming down his fork before abandoning both the table and his food. He'd hardly touched it. The boys let out a resounding "ooo" and looked to their mentor for some sort of reaction. They expected him to get up and begin a lecture on manners. Unfortunately, all he gave them was a defeated sigh.

Seeing this, the fun of the drama wore off. Things were a lot less fun when even Bruce was avoiding confrontation. Especially with Dick. Their fights were normally legendary but to see this one fizzle out without so much as an "I raised your kid" or "I raised you on my own" meant this fight had a sadder tone. Not many knew exactly why Dick had such a special hatred towards Deathstroke. Jason often found there were bits even he didn't know about. It was just common consensus not to ask about what happened but maybe that was making things worse. "I'll go make sure he doesn't destroy a punching bag," Jason stated, striding speedily out of the room. He wasn't one for emotions but out of those available, he was probably the best one to go. He doubted a socially awkward teen, an emotionally frustrated tween nor an emotionally deficient adult were better than a jaded millennial.

He wasn't going. No way. He promised Kory he wouldn't get involved in Deathstroke cases. It always got him in the worse mood and he always let it consume him. He'd lay awake at night because no doubt Deathstroke would somehow find a way to get away before they could arrest him and he'd be forced to recount all the mistakes he made that allowed his escape. Dick had been trying so hard since being Batman to take care of himself but Bruce just loved to make things hard. If he didn't go on the mission he wouldn't be setting a good example for his brothers and would miss out on valuable bonding time. If he did go then he would get caught up with it all and probably be made a mockery of by the criminal he hated the most. To help him think through his decision, Dick had taken to punching the living hell out of a punching bag. He left his knuckles unprotected against the material which made them bright red and he'd probably have to deal with them being sore later but right now it was making all the difference in calming him down. "You alright there Goldie?" asked some familiar voice in the distance. Judging by the nickname it was Jason. 

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