Making out to coming out

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beamerboyx requested this a while back so very sorry for the wait 

When Dick came out, a boy named Thomas approached him. He was also gay and knew nothing about being with a guy. Neither did Dick. This brought them to the conclusion that they should practice with one another. They became great friends first then started practicing. Thomas was his first kiss. He was also the first person he ever made out with and he was also the first person Bruce caught him being gay with.

Dick was taking a few things out of his locker when arms snaked around his waist. He smirked to himself and turned around, knowing it was Thomas from the get-go. "Can I help you?" he asked in a nonchalant tone.

"I heard your Mathletics meeting was canceled," the taller responded.

"Funny because I also heard your science club was done for the term. I suppose that makes us both free," Dick said.

"Exactly. I was thinking that we could try some experimenting behind the school. No one will know," Thomas suggested. He was always soft when he put across ideas. That's partly why the acrobat agreed to this. He was never pressured into it. It was always a unanimous thing. He thought to himself for a moment. Did he have time to fool around? He checked his watch. Bruce shouldn't know that the meeting was canceled so he'd come to pick him up at four. "Alright, I have some time. Let's have some fun." Thomas grinned and took his hand, taking him to the backside of the school, making him cackle. "Someone's excited," he teased.

"Hey, I've had a rather stressful day and you're like a fidget spinner."  

"Dude...that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." They went to the back of the school as they always did when they fooled around. Behind the school was a lot of greenery that hid them from the public. It was also a Wednesday so all the sports teams were either not playing or at away games. Plus, the only other people who went around there were cool with what they did. That or they were so far off their heads on drugs that they couldn't tell if they were hallucinations. "Who's taking the lead?" Dick asked before being pushed against the wall. It wasn't rough but he did find it rather lustful. 

"You say that as though you're anything but a bottom."

"Watch it smart mouth. Remember what I said about being slow, you don't want a repeat of last time," the acrobat warned. The taller nodded, remembering the pain of being kicked in the balls in the midst kissing. He rested his arms on Dick's hips and leaned in, connecting their lips together. He felt Dick relax so he deepened the kiss by slipping in his tongue. He felt the other smirk against his lips and put his arms around his neck. They pulled away to breathe. "Can I pick you up?" Thomas asked. The smaller nodded. He moved his hands to the underside of Dick's thighs and picked up his legs so Dick hooked his legs around to distribute the weight. "You're really light."

"I'm an acrobat," he replied with a smirk. He pulled Thomas back into the kiss and weaved his fingers through his shaggy brown locks. He shivered in delight when he felt the other's hands trail up down his thighs. Then he felt a squeeze and moaned indecently into the kiss. "Sorry-"

"You're more than fine, love."

Bruce was quite pleased with himself when he managed to finish all his work earlier than hoped. He'd called Alfred to pick him up and on the way home, he got a text from Gotham Academy. "It looks like we'll be picking Dick up, his meeting got canceled. I'll shoot him a text so he knows we're coming," he announced.

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