Heroes can still be victims

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Here are some sites/helplines if you are dealing with this problem 




I took a lot of inspiration from the Brooklyn nine nine episode where they dealt with the same issue as I thought it was a good example of how to handle the topic within entertainment

"Grayson, a new case has just been assigned to you," Deborah announced before handing over the case file. He took it from the fellow police officer and flipped through it. 

"Alleged sexual assault? Shouldn't this be with Jimmy in the sexual violence unit?" he asked, attempting to hand it back. She pushed the file towards him and shook her head. 

"They merged them with our unit. Budget cuts," she explained. He frowned. Of course, they'd reduce budget cuts at the time of year where crime was at its highest. There wasn't much he could do so he took the case to his desk and gave it a proper read through. He didn't like sexual assault cases. They were hard work to prove and half the time the assault victim wouldn't get the justice they deserve. He hated going home at night and knowing some pervert was still out there because they just couldn't find enough evidence. It felt like his job was done. He couldn't catch them as Nightwing either unless he wanted a massive lawsuit on his hands and a public scandal. Although he wanted to risk it, he couldn't get him and Kori kicked out of their apartment because he wanted to be a hero. He shifted through the case and internally groaned. It was a she said, he said situation. That meant the guy would most certainly get away with it if he didn't find enough evidence. Circumstantial evidence wasn't going to sway many on this one, he needed hard proof. He texted Kori that he'd be late home tonight, knowing that there were going to be many late nights hereafter.

His prediction about many late nights wasn't wrong. After interviewing the victim and the attacker, there was nothing new he could add to. The basics of the case were that they had been in the storage closet when it happened which unfortunately didn't have any security cameras inside to prove what either was saying. The attacker was your typical power-hungry guy. He came from a rich family, got a high up job when he was young with a barrage of lawyers behind him whenever he did something less than legal and enough money to bribe everyone in his office to say "Oh, he's such a great guy. That girl is just crazy and looking for money." He wished more people weren't like that but it was a money-driven world he supposed. "Dick, home time bud," Dennis announced, waving his hand in front of Dick's face to take his focus off the computer screen. 

"I'm working overtime again. I've got to get some headway on this case," he replied. 

"Not happening. Your girlfriend is going to kill us if we don't get you home at a reasonable time tonight," Dennis argued. He leaned over the desk, blocking Dick from the computer, saved the document he was working on then logged off the computer and turned it off. 

"Dude, I have to get this done before the victim gets spooked and drops the charges," Dick complained. 

"And I have a wife and kids I'd like to see tomorrow. Go home." Dick mimicked the taller's voice but relented to his order. He was a senior officer after all. "What's with you and this case anyways? I haven't seen you this invested since that serial killer who killed people fitting your friend's description," Dennis commented. He quickly packed up his things whilst thinking through his answer. 

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