5th day of Christmas

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Another_chapter requested more Titans stuff and I recently found some of my older fics that I just never posted so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone

Our shout out for today is Aromantic_Satan. They are absolutely a lovely human being and their works are wonderful so hop over n check em out!

This is a tad OOC but I think it's not that awful??


Not all missions were completed without a fair share of mistakes. This was one of those missions. It started out easy until an army of robots attacked. The Titans had to spend hours picking them off one by one and everyone had gained an injury or two. As they got to the final pickings and their frustration with the situation was at an all-time high, Raven witnessed the right trigger to set her off. The only problem was that the trigger was Robin. More specifically, Robin getting really hurt.

Raven was taking out three robots in front of her but she didn't see the fourth one coming up on her left since it was in her blind spot. Luckily, Robin spotted it. He'd already suffered a blast to the stomach which he knew he needed to sort out quickly once the fight was over and he was pretty sure something was internally bleeding since his last cough sent speckles of blood onto his green glove. None of this, however, prevented him from helping his teammate. He dodged the next attack from his robot enemy and somersaulted closer to Raven. Seeing there was no time to knock the robot out before it sent out the shot, the only way to save his friend was to block it. He looked at his staff. Yeah, that wasn't going to work. There was no other way. He dashed over at the highest speed his injuries would allow and dove in front of the blast. It sent him crashing into Raven but that was better than the initial shot. She grunted at the sudden impact and was about to loudly complain to whoever was tossing robots in her direction yet paused when she saw who it was. "Robin?" He groaned, his eyes tightly squeezed shut under his mask. There was a large burn mark in the middle of his chest and his brain was trying its best to pull him out of consciousness before it really hurt. Raven's head snapped up the robot that shot him. It was now gearing up for a second blow. Her teeth gritted together and she jumped to her feet as her skin turned pitch black. Six glowing red eyes appeared through the darkness, all of them clearly angry. Black tentacles shot through the air, striking the chests of any robots around her. Unfortunately, they couldn't tell the difference between her teammates and the enemy. Her blind rage made them uncontrollable.

Once a black tentacle had ripped through his enemy, Cyborg turned to thank Raven only to find the same tentacle try to strike at him. He shot it a few times but it was resilient and kept trying to attack him. He gave up and tried to outrun it, meeting with Starfire and Beast Boy who were also running away from black tentacles. "This is the last time we let you pick a mission," Cyborg announced.

"Hey! On paper, this looked easy!" Beast Boy defended.

"It always looks easy!" Starfire snapped. They should've just taken up the offer to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It would've saved them a world of trouble but no they had to go with Beast Boy's choice of defeating a robot factory for villains! "Rae quit it!" Cyborg yelled but he couldn't get her attention. His yell did successfully catch the attention of Robin, who was just moments away from passing out. He glanced over to where he heard the yell and saw what the group was running from. His eyes followed the black tentacle which eventually began at Raven's feet. Gritting his teeth together to deal with the pain, he reached up and grabbed her ankle. Her head snapped down to look at him. The red eyes did shock him a bit but he tried to keep a stern expression. One that showed confidence. One that showed her he wasn't scared. One that assured her she wouldn't be penalized for this.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now