Rocked to sleep

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beamerboyx suggested it so here we go!

Gotham was hardly a picture-perfect holiday paradise. For most of the year, it rained and for the other part, it snowed. Of course, you had the few days where they were spared from the relentless damp but this brought about storms. Dick would never in a million years admit it but storms freaked him out. He didn't like the sudden loud claps of thunder that set him straight into attack mode and he didn't like the constant tap of harsh raindrops crashing against the window panes that sounded almost too organic to not be caused by someone sitting just outside his window taunting him. He didn't mind being out as Robin when there was a storm. He was Robin then and had bigger fish to fry. Yet when he was just Dick trying to fall asleep whilst his senses were fronted by the whistling wind and bright flashes from lightning. This was, of course, something he kept silent so Wally had quite the shock during one of their totally friendly sleepovers.

It was late at night when the storm finally rolled in. It was to be expected with the odd dry spell that they had but plans were already set and our young hero couldn't cancel a sleepover just as it got to the sleep part. Dick and Wally finished the movie they were watching, it was the Bee Movie if you were wondering, and got under the covers. They left some distance between themselves which would be non-existent by the time they woke up. Somehow they always ended up like a tangled ball of limbs. Their excuse for sharing the bed whenever Bruce offered the spare room to the speedster was because they liked to have three in the morning chats that just weren't as fun when one of them had to go into a different room to start it. He had blackout curtains in his room so when they were left slightly open, he noticed the sudden bright light he knew meant trouble. His fingers gripped the sheets tightly as that clap of thunder rolled alongside the bright flash of white that suddenly lit up the room and distorted its features in such a way it made him feel like very air around him was attempting to give him a fright. He squeezed his eyes shut and shoved his face into the pillow. "Babe? You okay?" Wally asked. He opened his eyes slightly but they were barely visible in the dark of the room. Dick could do with seeing them right now. He liked staring into them and plucking out the strings of similar yet different shades of green that made up his emerald eyes.  "Just getting comfy," he answered. The ginger shrugged to himself and closed his eyes. Dick tried to concentrate his hearing on his boyfriend's breathing. It was soft. Easy. He attempted to mimic it with the hopes that he'd calm down and drift off to sleep. This was promptly ruined by a sudden clap of thunder that made him jolt in surprise and give out a small whimper. "Dick? Did you have a nightmare already?"

"No it's not that it's the-" He cut himself off by gritting his teeth together at the sound of hails thrashing the windows. Wally gave him a concerned look and began searching around for what could be causing his distress. His eyes glanced over to the window then back up to the smaller. He was yanking the sheets over his head as a kid would during..."The storm?" He nodded silently, praying that his boyfriend was way too tired to be able to remember this in the morning. Wally hummed and got out of bed. He closed the curtains all the way then got back in bed. He sat up a little and took the covers away from Dick's face. "You want me to help?" he inquired. He got a confused look in response. "Help you go to sleep I mean?"

"You can try," Dick responded.

"Then get over here." He moved to sit upon his knees before moving over and sitting on the other's lap. He let Wally hold him close to his chest, enjoying how warm he was, and he got himself comfortable. "Just close your eyes, alright?" Wally whispered, placing a light kiss on his forehead. He slowly began rocking them back and forth whilst occasionally kissing Dick's forehead. There were a few claps of thunder and each time he felt the younger's body tense up. "You wanna tell me why the storm is freaking you out? It might help me get you to sleep."

"It's the noises. Loud normally means bad." Ah. Pesky training. He hummed and looked around the room for his phone, only to find it resting on the table beside him. After tutting to himself, he took it and his earphones. A while ago, Dick had sent him his calm playlist for when he was stressed with work. He guessed it would work now. "Wanna listen to this?" he asked, showing him the phone. Dick shrugged and took one of the earbuds. It was a habit of his to only have one in. Another pain of training was forcing yourself to always be alert. You couldn't do that with both earbuds in. He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes, sinking deeper into Wally's hold. "That's it. We're safe. It's just the bad weather."

"Promise?" Dick asked. His voice was barely above a whisper as he started to go to sleep.

"I promise. I'm gonna be right here when you wake up too. I'm not going to leave you." Dick smiled to himself and finally let himself drop off, enjoying the gentle sway of his boyfriend rocking him to sleep. 

In the morning, the storm had passed over and only left a soft pattering of rain in its midst. Dick was the first to wake up, as he always was, and glanced around where he was laying. He was curled up with his hands gripping Wally's shirt and his face close to his chest.  Wally's arms were wrapped around his waist loosely and there were earphones wound around his arm, his phone discarded to somewhere in between them. He tried to think about how he got into this position. There was a storm and... great. He'd never live this down. Robin, the kid who banters with the Joker as he gets tortured, is shook up by storms. If Artemis ever got words of this, he'd be done for. Wally grumbled softly when he felt the smaller stir, getting a quiet cackle. "Still tired?" The speedster cracked open an eye and glanced over at the clock. 

"It's 4 am, anyone would be."

"Well, not bats. I'm gonna go do some training,"

"Don't go," Wally whined. "I'll tell everyone about last night." Dick gasped dramatically, knowing it was just an empty threat. 

"Treachery at its highest," he wailed. He got more comfortable and planted a kiss on the other's nose. 

"Better stay here then."

"I'm only here due to the blackmail."

"Good. 4 am is too early to do anything."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now