12th Day of Christmas

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So this is the start of twelve days of stories. I've planned this around a month in advance so hopefully, I can get through this without any mishaps. 

EDIT: I jinxed myself with that one. Basically what happened was number one just moved to the end and it was really odd because i hadn't done anything to make it like that but here we are with the first one being at the end

Edited 07/02/2024: format change and small additions

When Dick strolled into the Batcave that afternoon, he thought it would be just a regular day of planning a mission whilst providing top-quality puns. What he didn't expect was to be resuming his old role as a stripper whilst his brothers and parental guardian stalked the seedy club for a serial killer. Confused? Let's go back a few hours.

Dick entered the Batcave in the afternoon followed closely by Damian. Some people compared Damian to a lost puppy following Dick around everywhere they went. That was only partially true. Sure he followed Dick around (a lot) but that was because he was one of the people he hated the least. Bruce was already in the cave, typing away at a computer, with Tim doing some training exercises in the gym. The only person missing was Jason but they assumed he'd turn up sooner or later. 

"Afternoon B, any plans for today?" Dick asked cheerfully. Bruce nodded, avoiding eye contact with his ward. With hindsight, Dick realized why he couldn't spare a glance at him. 

"I presume you'll tell us everything when Todd arrives?" Damian added. He was anxious to get to work as always. 

"That is the more efficient way to go about things," he replied flatly. Dick didn't like the way he was talking. This could only mean the mission was dangerous or he was going to bench someone.

Soon Jason arrived and after retrieving Tim from the gym, it was time for Bruce to unfold his "master" plan. They sat around the room and prepared themselves for tonight. 

"We've had intel on a potential next location of a serial killer that has killed five people and attempted to murder several others."

"Sounds like a pretty shitty serial killer," Jason commented under his breath. It seemed serial killers these days weren't putting in the effort that they used to when he was Robin. That could be down to the new and improved police force but he liked to blame people getting lazy. After all, how hard could it be to kill someone when you could easily buy a gun and shoot away? His comment was rewarded with a sharp glare from Bruce before he continued. 

"We suspect he's going to strike tonight due to the pattern of killings he's made." Bruce put up a timeline of killings and he was right to suspect that the killer would attack tonight. Every four weeks on a Saturday there would be a murder or at least an attempt. 

"So, what's the MO on this guy?" Dick asked.

At that point, Bruce cringed. That was when they all knew something was up. Bruce never cringed. Or at least he never outwardly cringed. 

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