11th day of Christmas

949 70 44

Christelightlavo has another great request 

Our shoutout goes to BlossomWorm! They do some great stuff and I bet you'll find something you'll like in their work

Dick was fixing up some snacks for the younger counterparts of the Titans when it happened. He remembered every detail. He was cutting up orange slices for the group since they'd just finished training and he liked to keep them satisfied with healthy snacks. As he did, they came into the kitchen area along with Kori who floated over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "How'd training go with them?" Dick asked, smiling at the sudden affection. She smiled back at him and rested her head on his shoulder. 

"Much better than last time. Your influence on Damian has really helped his patience," she answered. He felt a surge of pride at that. He liked that he could be a good influence on the kid since his role models weren't exactly the best. They wittered on about the training before they were interrupted by Damian. "Father, I want juice instead of water."

Everything stopped. The planet itself stopped turning. Damian didn't even realize his mistake until all eyes were on him. He thought over his sentence then his eyes went wide when he realized what had everyone so shocked. "I meant Grayson," he corrected. 

"Oh my God, you called him Dad," Jaime began. He had that smile on his face that he only wore before he was going to make fun of someone. Garfield and Cyborg were matching the expression. "It was an accident," Damian defended, folding his arms across his chest defensively. He didn't want this getting around but by the looks of everyone's faces, it was. He looked to Raven for some support on the subject but she seemed to side with the others. "It did sound like you meant it," she told him. He huffed at her as his face became beat red. 

"Aww, you see Dick as a father figure?" Cyborg taunted. 

"Don't twist my words! He is not my father!" he shouted as though that would convince them that he was telling the truth. Yet the team weren't having it.

"You didn't tell me you had a son," Kori said with a teasing smile. Dick still hadn't uttered a word. He just stared at his younger sibling in complete surprise. She'd never seen him so caught off guard. If the situation wasn't funny, she might've been worried. "Bruce is gonna be so offended," Garfield muttered to Jaime, getting a nod of confirmation.

"I didn't mean to say it! Grayson is not my father and he never will be!"

"Hey! Show your Dad some respect," Cyborg replied. The room burst into laughter whilst Damian stomped his foot on the ground like a tantruming toddler. 

"Stop it!" he shouted but the laughter continued. His face got redder and redder before he finally left the room in a fit of anger. 

Wiping a tear from his eye, Cyborg looked over to Dick who looked over at the doorway his sibling had walked through. "You know you struck me more of a Mum than a Dad but hey ho," he teased but he didn't get much of a reply other than a hum. 

"Dick?" Kori shook her boyfriend a little bit and he was taken out of his daze. 

"Sorry, I'm just gonna go check up on him okay?" he said finally. She nodded and released him from her hold. "Help yourself to the snacks but no chocolate. I'll know if you take them," he added as he left the room. The team chuckled to themselves.

"Yep, definitely more of a Mum."

Dick walked down the hall to Damian's room and lightly knocked on the door. "Hey Lil D, mind if I come in?" he asked. The door slid open and a rather embarrassed looking Damian came into view. His cheeks were still dusted pink from what had happened before. "I assure you I meant to call you Grayson," he insisted. 

"I don't doubt that. Can we still have a private chat? No pressure," Dick replied. The younger nodded and let him in before quickly closing the door. He didn't trust that Garfield wasn't somewhere in the hall in the form of a fly trying to listen in on their conversation. He kept his ears keen to the sound of buzzing just in case. He didn't want any more of the embarrassment and neither did he want it to get worse. Dick walked over to the bed and patted the spot beside him for Damian to take. The teenager did so and sat awkwardly beside his older counterpart. He didn't even think when he called him Father. He swore it was just a slip of the tongue but maybe it wasn't. It might've been intentional just to see his reaction. "When I was your age, I called Bruce Dad in front of my entire team. I never lived it down. They all thought it was rather cute of me to call him that," Dick began. "I suppose, I called him Dad in that moment because it felt right to. Course I never really did it again. I don't really like calling him that. Prefer nicknames and it felt weird calling someone else Dad." He turned to Damian with a smile. There was nearly always a smile on his face. When there wasn't then you had something to worry about. 

"How does that tale apply to me?"

"Did you think it would feel right to call me Father?" Dick asked. Damian thought about it for a little while.

"Perhaps. Considering all you've done for me it would be silly to regard you as just a foster sibling. Though, you feel as though you're a big brother sometimes you have elements of what I could consider a paternal figure," he explained. "You were there for me when Father wasn't and you're still there for me even when he is." The older felt his smile grow wider. He'd really had a profound effect on the boy he didn't even know existed until a few years ago. Now he couldn't imagine a life without Damian in it. He didn't like to imagine one without him. "Would you prefer to call me Father?" He shook his head.

"No. It was truly a slip of the tongue. You're rather important to me Grayson but you're not Father. In most ways, you're better than him, therefore, you deserve the title I've always given you." Dick laughed to himself at the formality of it all. He held his arms out, asking to engage in a hug, and the teenager allowed him to have that. They hugged and Dick ended it when he felt the other may have gotten sick of it. He only stopped pulling away when Damian pulled at his shirt. Wow. Was this Damian showing him clear affection? The way he liked to show affection? The type of affection he loved? "We don't need to keep hugging," he assured the younger.

"I'd prefer to extend the time if that's alright." He bit the coo that was about to leave his mouth and nodded.

"That's perfectly alright."

Later that night, Kori heard all about what happened. He went on about it with such a spark in eyes that she didn't have the heart to tell him that Garfield was earwigging on the conversation. "I just - I really love that kid. He was a bit of a pain in the beginning but I can't imagine what I'd do without him." 

"So, I'm guessing you liked the label of Father?" she inquired. He laughed and shook his head. 

"Oh no. Not at all. Makes me feel old. Though Bruce was about my age when he adopted me but no. I'm all for being the big brother but being a Dad is way too much responsibility," he answered.

"You literally save people's lives every day," she pointed out.

"And I can barely remember to eat without you reminding me. I'm not up for that whole thing," he protested. There was snickering from the hall which made him quirk an eyebrow before he realized the only people it could be. Garfield and Jaime. He dreaded how much those two heard. "Go to bed before I come out there!" he shouted. They heard their feet hitting the ground as they dashed off to bed upon hearing the threat. "They're going to use that against me aren't they?"

"Oh totally."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now