Somehow even more Talon!Dick

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here's a part two with a part three coming up at some point that was prompted by CloeTheTealSnake so blame her if you're getting sick of this for enabling me

Kaldur and Dick walked back to the living room, the younger in higher spirits than before. However, the remanents of his breakdown were made clear by his red eyes and messed up hair. "Are you alright?" Wally asked. He looked the boy up and down, taking in his disheveled appearance. 

"I may have underestimated feeling again. They get too much sometimes," Dick admitted. His eyes darted to the floor as his hands fiddled with his shirt. It felt rather shameful to admit how he felt. It went against what he'd been taught for so long that he half expected to be reprehended for it now, even when he knew for a fact that wouldn't happen. Thanks to Kaldur of course. "We can imagine. We're sorry if we did anything to upset you, we really didn't mean to," M'gann spoke up on behalf of her friends. They nodded in confirmation. 

"Kaldur did inform me that I have misinterpreted your empathy. The effects of your actions are my own fault," he explained. He glanced up at them. They were looking at him. Before he would have seen them as looks of disappointment but now he didn't want to squirm under their gaze. It actually felt comforting in a way. He could deal with it. "You look like a drowned rat, let's get you some clean clothes. I'm sure Wally and I can come up with something you can wear," Artemis offered, her voice becoming soft in Dick's presence. Her motherly side had kicked in upon seeing his rubbed raw eyes. Something about it was rather nice to see from the spitfire blond. "You don't have to. I can stand damp clothes until my family comes," Dick insisted.

"No way dude. You're not getting sick from sitting in wet clothes," Wally argued. "We'll be back in a flash." He ran out of the room with Artemis following, beginning their missions to raid their collective closets for something he could wear.

Upon their leaving, Kaldur spotted a chance for Dick to spend some time with Connor. He made eye contact with the super and whispered something so quiet only he could hear it. Connor nodded. "M'gann, you have a hairbrush lying around in your bedroom, don't you? Would you mind if Dick used it?" Kaldur inquired. The martian nodded, eager to help, and floated out the room. "Dick, wait here whilst I make sure Wally and Artemis don't kill one another," he added. He left Dick standing a few inches away from the doorway with Connor with the hopes of what he wanted to happen, happening. Dick watched him leave then glanced at Connor and away again. He didn't know what to do with himself. He didn't want to sit down in fear of ruining the couches with his wet clothes. Standing in front of the super wasn't what he wanted either. He felt like he was being gawked at but that may just be his feelings distorting things again. "Feelings suck, don't they?" Connor began, catching the smaller's attention. 

"Yes. I think they rather do."

"I'm sort of new to them too. Being a clone. I didn't get to grow up and learn how to deal with them," he continued, sitting up and leaning forward slightly. He was welcoming a conversation and Dick allowed himself to join. 

"That must've been hard for you."

"It was. Especially when I felt guilt for the first time." Dick took a few steps closer so the conversation didn't feel so far away and lent on an armchair, being careful not to lean too much and saturate the material with rainwater. 

"Why did you feel guilty?"

"Upon freeing me, I attacked the team. In the moment, I didn't feel guilty but later on, when I'd gotten to know everyone, I felt it," he responded. The former Talon's ears pricked up and he snapped to a stiff stance rather than leaning. 

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