five times robin saved superboy and one time superboy saved him

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I see these on archive of our own like all the time and i thought i'd try my hand at it 

tried to keep them short which was so super difficult because i could've written a lot more 

anyways, enjoy!



"Ya know, this isn't how I planned my Friday," Robin grunted out as he gripped onto the wire rope. It was around now that he was thankful for his thick gloves or this would truly be hell. He was suffering enough keeping his legs bent in a sitting position like one of those floating man street performers. He turned to get a good look at the guy as they ran into the night. Of course, they were running away so he couldn't get a good look. He would go after him if he wasn't holding onto a super for dear life, trying to convince himself that there was some sort of possibility that his scrawny arms would yank him up. Well, they weren't scrawny compared to most thirteen-year-olds out there but to the clone, he was holding onto, they were string beans in comparison. Why was he holding onto a wire connected to Superboy's foot whilst he dangled over a vat of positively poisonous substances judging by the smell? Great question! Superboy fell. Robin couldn't blame him; he was rather surprised too when the guy flashed them to getaway. He had to admit he hadn't seen that before. Honestly, it should've happened sooner. But hell, today was the day. Superboy fell back from surprise and tumbled over the banister. Robin shot his grappling hook which wrapped around his ankle. He was forced forwards since he was basically a mouse trying to hold the weight of an elephant but managed to keep himself from joining Superboy in the disgusting mixture by putting his heels on a small upwards edge of the metal pathway. He shook his head, instantly knowing he was in a sticky situation.

"Flying would be asterous right now," he said longingly. God knows there wasn't going to be help for ages. They'd gone on a lone mission for just that, to be alone. They were both quiet, most of the time, and tolerated each other's company if it meant some escape from their teammate's bickering. Right now, they wished they grinned and bore it. "It would be asterous if you had super strength right now," Superboy snapped mockingly. He got a light laugh out of the boy wonder, jostling the rope. He rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. 

"Touche. Still, wishing for something ain't gonna get us out of this thing." Robin responded. Superboy could actually hear the smirk in the kid's voice. It probably should've annoyed him more than it did but he found himself only slightly irritated. "Have you tried calling for help?" he asked. 

"Unless you wanna take a dip, it's not worth a shot. I can barely keep you out of the drink when I'm holding you with both hands," Robin answered. "Just give me a minute and I'll pull you up."

"Just let me go. It won't kill me anyway." Robin scoffed at the notion, instantly dismissing it. 

"Might not kill you but it'll hurt more than anything and I'd rather not put you through that for the sake of my glutes."

Robin tightened his grip and silently prayed that he wouldn't slip. If he did then he may as well jump in with Superboy since there was no way he was going to live afterward. If Superboy didn't kill him then Superman would. Either way, he was dead meat if this didn't work out. With a grunt of effort and all of his strength, he managed to pull Superboy just a little bit closer to safety. "Please tell me you do ab crunches because I am not gonna be able to heave your butt up all the way," Robin announced, taking staggered breaths. This was going to be a long night. "My ass better be toned by the end of it," he thought to himself as he pulled more on the wire and dragged the super up by another inch. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now