Is that some Davick right there?

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So when I made up this AU there was some extra spicy chemistry between David and Dick like smexy sexy stuff (I'm such a fuckin virgin wow) SO I tried to capture that and I think I fell flat on my face

Sorry to all the Davick shippers but I invested too much for this to be deleted soo vibe time my dudes and dudettes

It was a quiet night. David was on his phone in bed, his body turned so his back hid his lover from the glow of the screen. He looked through his commissions, crossing off all the ones that asked him to kill Dick. Though what they were paying was on the rise he wouldn't take any of the offers. He had a nice thing going. Maybe nicer than he once thought. Dick's arms were wrapped around him as they usually were. He didn't think too much of them until he felt a squeeze. "You can't even feel the light on your face. You're fine," he stated, rolling his eyes. He felt a tighter squeeze and Dick's nails dig into his skin a little bit. His eyebrows furrowed. "Boss?" The once even breath that was hitting his back was now quicker. He placed his phone on the side and turned around. Dick's eyes were screwed up tight and his jaw was clenched, the sound of his teeth gritting together joining the symphony of whimpers escaping his lips. "What's up with you?" he asked, trying his best to sound annoyed. He didn't want to let on too much of his concern. There wasn't any response just more whimpers and an even tighter grip. "Oi, let go if you're squeezing me for attention." Dick didn't let go. Tears began to trickle down his face, his head tossing back and forth against the pillow. "Fuck sake c'mon. Wake up." He didn't like this. Not one bit. Seeing that his more rough tactic was just making matters worse, he decided to go with what Dick liked the most. He put a hand on the other's face and gently wiped away the tears. "C'mon Dickie, I need you to wake up for me. I need to make sure you're okay," he whispered. Being all cutesy had never been his style but if it got him answers, he'd certainly try it. He placed a kiss on Dick's cheek to coax him awake. He brought his hand up to the other's hair and ran his fingers through it, continuing to place soft kisses on his face.

Suddenly Dick's eyes snapped open and he shot up to a sitting position, touching his chest as though to make sure he was real. His breath was still fast and uneven which was only made worse by the tears. "Dick?" The acrobat put his head in his hands.

"Get out." His voice cracked as he tried to cover up the sniffles.


"I said get out!"

"Fuck that, I'm not going anywhere," David insisted. He sat up and pulled at the hands Dick was using in a desperate attempt to hide his face. His attempt was shaken off. 

"Out. That's an order."

"You said yourself I make the rules in the bedroom. You don't get to order me in here. Rather, it's the other way around." David once again pulled at the other's hands, only this time he was allowed to see his face. It was wet and the bags under his eyes made him look tired. Really tired. Sad and really tired. Not a good combination. "I didn't scream did I?"

"You screamed before but you were very much conscious of that." Dick laughed softly and wiped at his face with the back of his hand. "If you're referring to your little doo there, no. You didn't. Why would you do that anyway?"

"Don't worry about that. How about you help me get tired again hm?" he asked, wiped his face dry as he desperately tried to look unbothered. David tutted and rolled his eyes. 

"Nice try. Now, what was that about?"

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually cared about me."

David paused and mumbled something under his breath. Dick didn't catch what he said as intended so he just shrugged it off. "Exactly," he stated. "I pay you to protect me and we have a little fun on the side for stress relief so to speak. You," he booped David on the nose with a smirk, "aren't paid to care about anything else. So be a good bodyguard and either fuck me or go back to sleep." He got on his knees beside him and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck. "Your choice," he whispered into his ear. David thought about how to play this so he'd get an answer and maybe have some fun doing it. He didn't often show how much he cared for the acrobat. The idea made him feel uncomfortable. Yet that didn't stop him from feeling how he did and right now he felt like Dick needed him to be softer. Maybe he wouldn't talk to him because he came off too harsh. Too strong. He could be soft...right? All he had to do was play around and be more chill. Though he hated the pet names, especially the one Dick decided to call him in front of literally everyone and anyone, he knew he was given it as an affectionate term. It was like Dick was telling people he was his boyfriend without actually using the word. So if he wanted answers, he was going to have to give in what Dick liked. "If you want a treat, you're going to have to work for it, baby."

"Oh is that right?" he asked, a grin forming on his features. David caught him in a kiss that was long and passionate. His arms hooked around his frame and pushed Dick down onto the bed. He straddled him and took his hands that were running through his short hair, pinning them beside his head. "Daddy wants an answer to his question. Answer it and you'll get what you want," he said, his voice sexily husky.

"I'm not in the mood," Dick answered as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't get bratty sweetheart." He leaned down and planted soft kisses on his face. He kept them sweet and light. He could feel the heat come off of Dick's cheeks as he started to blush. He smirked against his skin and pulled away. "Anything you wanna say, baby boy?"

Dick remained quiet for a moment, still a little shocked by the affection that seemed weirdly genuine. "Don't you wanna be a good boy for me?"

"You're really making it hard to be defensive about this." David hummed. He needed to step it up a notch. He moved to kiss the scars that patterned his shoulders and collarbones. 

"You're so handsome aren't you?" He heard a soft squeal of delight. You wouldn't have heard it had there been any other sound in the room but he was so glad he did hear it. A guy that was cute as well as hot who could also snap someone's neck? Now that was his dream guy and now that guy was underneath him. Wow. His dream guy was already his. "Beautiful aren't you? My pretty prince."

"Fine, I'll tell you!"

With the ghost of a smirk on his face, David sat back up and gave an expectant look. The other man's face was beet red, his wide sapphire blue eyes staring back up at him in pleasant surprise. His eyes almost glowed with love but David couldn't be sure. "I have nightmares and sometimes they get very intense from life n stuff you know? That's why I asked if I screamed."

"Why would you keep that from me? You would've scared the shit outta me if you just screamed in the middle of the night."

"Because I like what we have. We have fun together. Things get messy when I open up," he admitted. David watched him for a second. He felt bad. Really bad. So he tried again to be soft. To be as vulnerable as Dick was. He was opening up to a closed-door so maybe the door could budge open. "The scar on my face isn't from my work," he stated. He was referring to the white line that went from just above his eyebrow to underneath his cheek. Dick furrowed his eyebrows with an empathetic look. "Hey, you don't have to talk about that. I know it makes you uncomfortable. You shouldn't feel like you have to say something back," he assured him.

"Fuck me," David mumbled in relief. He really didn't fancy going back to that place in his life. Dick chuckled. 

"I've been trying to." He closed the gap between them with a kiss. Hands traveled from his wrists to his waist, careful not to wander too far down without the say so. David pulled away and pushed some hair out of the other's face. "I meant what I said before," he stated just as reassurement.

"So I'm yours then hm? Someone's possessive," Dick teased. He ignored the small tut he got and cackled. "Can I have my treat now?" There was a playful look in his eye which David enjoyed to see. It was much better than his face being wet from tears. David nodded and returned his hands to the other's waist. "Let's have some fun."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now