Eggs for Bart

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Big thanks to FandomTrash257beamerboyx and PNGonzalez for helping me with these stories - we decided that the two ideas were quite similar so they should be put in the same chapter so reverse batfam lovers and normal batfam lovers alike may enjoy an angsty story :) 


1. Normal batfam

"Grayson, what's that?" Damian asked. He pointed at the older's upper thigh that was now visible as Dick changed into shorts. They were just about to begin training when the younger noticed the odd white lines along his skin. He couldn't quite work out what they were from since the placement was so odd and the lines seemed clean. Dick glanced to where he was pointing and frowned at himself. "They're scars Dami."

"I'm aware but what're they from?" He didn't like the change in demeanor Dick displayed. Normally he was so open about everything but now he seemed reserved. He tried to figure out what the problem was but his mind went blank. "They're from me." The older pulled up his shorts and busied himself with wrapping his knuckles. Damian took a pause before trying to come to terms with the answer. "Why would you do that?" he asked, perplexed. He watched as the acrobat got more and more uncomfortable before he finally let out a sigh. 

"Do you really want to know?" He nodded. Dick sat down and gestured for the younger to join him. It was quiet for a moment. "When I was younger, I felt guilty for the death of my parents. I felt like I should've gone with them but then I was so scared of death because God knows how painful it was for them. Bless their souls," he began. He glanced down to where the aforementioned scars were. "So I did what I thought to be a compromise. I'd hurt myself."

"But you wore shorts as a child, did you not?" Damian asked.

"I did. When I did it, I was in the shower and I couldn't tell where my shorts would cover things up or not. One day, they didn't. Bruce noticed and I got help," he explained. Damian looked visibly upset upon hearing the story behind it. He almost regretted asking. Almost. 

"How long since.." his sentence trailed off but the acrobat got what he was trying to say.

"Four years. It's possible to relapse but I don't tend to think about that," he replied.

"I didn't expect you to be... to do that to yourself." Dick chuckled to himself and glanced up from the spot on his leg where his stare could bore a hole into his skin. 

"There's a lot you don't expect from me, Damian. I lot went into the person I am today and I'm sad to say that not all of that was good. Nonetheless, you don't need to worry about all that."

That conversation haunted Damian for weeks after. He always trusted his senses but they'd failed to pick up on this. It may not have happened for four years but he should've noticed that there was some sort of self-destructive tendency deep down. He was thinking about it when he was waiting on going somewhere with Dick. They were supposed to be at the mall by now but he was still stuck in the living room of the manor, tapping his foot. "What's he doing that's keeping him so long?" he complained to Alfred.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now