Chickenpox has entered the chat

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Jenny_Mythical_Witch requested this so I made fluffy sick fic thing

Anxiety is ruining me so I apologize if this isn't as good as you wanted it to be

Soft grumbles escaped Dick's mouth as he was begrudgingly led to his bedroom at the manor. He wanted to deal with the situation on his own as every kid goes through it and he had at least 20% more common sense than a kid so he'd be fine. Yet as soon as he sent a Snapchat of the instantly recognizable red dots making a joke about it, he was pulled back into the manor to be looked after. What did he have? Chickenpox. It wasn't too surprising since he'd saved quite a few kids the previous week who had it and he'd never been vaccinated. "I'll stay here but the boys can't see me. I don't want them getting sick too," he stated as Bruce and Alfred helped him with his bags. 

"Unlike you, they've already had it. I thought you said you were vaccinated?" Bruce replied.

"I was gonna but then I saw how much they were and decided to invest it in more important things," he responded.

"Sir, a vaccine is rather important. Had you received it you wouldn't be in the bother you're in now."

"But you know what's more important? Buying Batman merch and annoying B with it," he defended. It was much funnier in his head but now that he had the possibility of pneumonia from something as small as chickenpox it wasn't as worth it. He didn't think that it was that important considering he'd lived through literal torture. "So you're the one leaving lego Batmans everywhere," Bruce tutted. He'd been trying to figure that out for months.

"Well I won't be for a week so consider this your lucky break," Dick said, subconsciously scratching at the red dots on his arm. He got a swift slap on the hand from the elderly butler. "Hey!"

"Scratching will only make it worse. Now get to bed, you'll need all the rest you can get before your symptoms become uncomfortable," he ordered. Knowing better than to defy Alfred, Dick nodded and did as he was told although he didn't do it without a subtle grumble. "It's for your own good Master Dick. I needn't remind you of the multiple times you've failed to look after yourself properly and you've ended up with things much worse."

"I do look after myself I just forget that you're supposed to stay hydrated and rain doesn't count."

"Just stay here. And don't scratch at the spots. We'll know," Bruce told him before he walked out with his trusted butler.

"DOn'T SCraTch aT tHE spOts we'Ll KNOw," Dick mumbled.

Bruce heard the mocking tone but he couldn't scold him for it. It was the reassurance that he wasn't feeling too awful. "Chickenpox of all things," Bruce said, almost laughing at the predicament. Kids got chickenpox which made it all the more suitable that his biggest kid got it. Alfred chuckled lowly. "Indeed sir. Though I do suppose you should try to find something to help the virus along. The poor boy will only suffer," he replied.

"I will. In the meantime make sure he stays somewhat entertained. I don't want him doing something stupid like a backflip because he's bored."

"Of course sir. I'll have Master Tim join him since he's free. Shall I begin on dinner?"

"Yes, I suppose you should. I want him to eat something whilst he still has some appetite about him," Bruce instructed. The butler nodded and walked over to Tim's room whilst the other went downstairs to do some research. It had been a while since either of them had had to deal with chickenpox so he needed a reminder on what to do. He knocked on Tim's door and came in when he heard the call to come in. "Hey Alfred, can I help you?" the teenager asked.

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