Simple Observation 2

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Sleep is for pussies since I got my essays done instead of catching those zzz's


Edited 17/02/2024: format change and small additions

Robin ran back in, informing Batman that Leslie would be in the Batcave before they arrived. He nodded and looked down at Nightwing with a frown. Now they had another problem. They'd have to get him to the Batmobile without aggravating the painful sores on his back. Although Nightwing tried his best to not show it, even motionless he was experiencing severe pain. His hands still had fists full of dirt where he'd tried to seek some way to release his pent-up pain. 

"Think we can move you to the car?" 

"Depends if you can deal with me shouting," he replied. A feeble attempt at a joke, yes, but at least it meant the pain wasn't dulling everything about him. 

"Sounds like a fair deal. Just don't puke on me," Robin replied, trying to shake himself out of his shock. Joking seemed to be a shared coping mechanism they had. Batman's was being stubborn. 

"Can't guarantee that," Nightwing responded.

The dynamic duo took one arm each and lifted Nightwing up from the dirt. He let out a loud scream of pain as the singed skin stretched and tore. He swallowed thickly, feeling the sick that had risen to his throat return to the depths of his stomach. He silently grimaced at the feeling. 

"Tell me if you feel light-headed. I'd rather you not pass out for now," Batman told him. He nodded, barely taking in what the older was saying. They led him to the Batmobile, gently helping him into the back seat. 

Robin volunteered to stay in the back with him to keep him awake whilst they travelled back to the Batcave. Nightwing lay on his side, resting his head on Robin's lap. The younger moved his raven locks out of his eyes. He still couldn't believe that Nightwing saved him. In an instant, he found himself in the protective arms of his sort of brother as a laser shot through the room. He couldn't imagine what being hit would've done to him. The positioning of the blast would've hit him square in the face. What if he lost his sight? His short career of being a hero would've ended. He hoped Nightwing wouldn't be too hurt. If he loved his job as much as Robin did, it would nearly kill him to give it up. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he noticed Nightwing's eyes drooping. 

"Dick? Stay with me here," he said loudly, successfully catching the older's attention. 

"I wasn' fallin asleep," Nightwing slurred.

"Yeah right. Want me to take your mask off? Might help keep you awake," he asked. Nightwing nodded, smiling his thanks.

Once his mask was off, Robin could see the tears pooling in his eyes and the dark bags under his eyes. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now