It's my Dick in a box pt 2

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beamerboyx suggested i continue this so here ya go n I hope you enjoy!

Dick lost his parents when he was 9 months old btw

Dick: 10 months

Given Dick's newfound ability to call out names, Bruce decided he simply had to share this with the rest of his family. It would be rude not to. Plus this was a prime moment to show off that he could indeed take care of a baby as they so impolitely assumed he'd fail miserably. He picked a time when Dick would be at his most energetic and got ready for a quick visit. He didn't like him staying there for too long. He thought that the environment could be overstimulating for someone so young. It was like the circus but ten times more intense and he didn't want Dick to get scared of somewhere he'd probably visit a lot when he was older. He put on his cowl and picked Dick up out of his crib. The baby chundered nonsense which to him probably sounded rather prophetic. His small hands reached up to the mask, making grabby hands. Bruce chuckled and held him higher so he could grab the bat ears. He always loved to play with them. Bruce did often wonder if he was somehow testing if they were real. He didn't know how he viewed Batman and Bruce. Most likely, he thought of them as two separate people. Perhaps he thought they were his dads. He smirked at the thought. When he got old enough, that would be a fun conversation to have. He still debated on whether Dick should be raised knowing what his family did at the dead of night. He might find it cool. He might find it anxiety-inducing. Maybe he'd grow up to resent them for not being there a lot. Schedules could be hectic enough without taking up their hero personas. He could grow up wanting to be like that and get in the game early to form a new path for himself. Yet the thought of him going out there felt wrong. Dick had lost his parents, yes but he was nine months old. He probably wouldn't even remember his life before the manor. He was a baby after all and who remembered things from that young. Dick would be raised by him. He'd be his son in nearly every sense of the word. That, for some reason, didn't sit right. Perhaps he was protective. It just felt like this time one of his boys had a real chance at a normal life. To find a way to get out their frustrations of the world in a way any other kid would like karate or soccer. 

Dick's giggles brought him out of his spiraling thoughts. He was a happy baby and he'd grow up to be a happy boy, a happy man. All he could do was support him. "We're gonna go see your aunts and uncles," he told Dick. "Are you gonna give them nicknames like us?" He brought the baby down to his eye line. His bright blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight streaming in from the windows. He smiled. Really, how could a baby be this happy? Bruce tickled him and bit back a squeal when his finger was taken hold of by the other's tiny hand. He was so fragile. So small. Bruce bet he'd be small when he grew up. He could already hear the nicknames Jason would give him. Pipsqueak would definitely be a hated one. Maybe little bird when he was being affectionate. That'd be a rare moment. "You giving me a handshake there chum?" Dick then began biting on his finger, making him let out a breathy laugh. "Thanks for that. C'mon, let's go. You like the Zetatubes don't you? Maybe we could get you a lightroom?" Dick sneezed. "Ah, you're right. It's the ambiance you like most." He brought him over to the baby carrier and strapped him in, double-checking that he was definitely in there and wasn't going to get out. When it happened one time, you checked every time. Alfred would never let him live that down. He caught him of course but it was a matter of principle more than anything.

When they arrived at the Watchtower, Dick announced them by cackling happily. He always did that when he went through the Zetatube. Batman could already see the havoc that would play if he kept it up when he was old enough to press the buttons on his own. Immediately. Flash ran to greet them. Batman swore he could just teleport and was egging them on with the running fast thing. "Aww hewwo wittle fella," he greeted, squatting down to wave to the baby. 

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