I wanna be tall

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hahaha sleep never heard of her

Dick sighed to himself as he flicked through the reports he had to fill out. Being Batman was awful. Constant paperwork upon paperwork left with him stuck listening to his thoughts. Damian took pity on him that evening, deciding to take on a few of the smaller reports of muggings they stopped. He wanted to help but didn't want to touch the Joker busts with a bargepole. "You know, I've been thinking lately," Dick began, thumbing through some pages. The younger hummed. 

"About what?" he asked, entertaining the thought of conversation. 

"About what I'd do differently as Robin." Damian raised a curious eyebrow. It wasn't often that the older talked about his regrets. He didn't think much of it. He supposed it was a way to maintain that perfect and pure Dick Grayson image. The man could do no wrong. "What would you do?"

"I'd stop swearing I'd be the tallest in the League. It was a valiant try but will power isn't a factor in growing, unfortunately." He rolled his eyes at the acrobat, dismissing the notion until he remembered something. 

"Didn't you kill a man?" he questioned. Dick caught on that he was referring to one of the biggest failures of his hero career. The night he played the odds with Two-Face and the odds weren't in favour. "Didn't you kill people in the League of Assassins?"

"Touche Grayson."

hnnn I just wanna not be thinking you know

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now