Just a foster kid

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you know i gotta do some angsty stuff before we can have David and Dick fluff hehe

(btw if you have any specific fluff pieces you want I'm happy to write them)





News. Boring. Dick was only watching it to see if David had killed that politician yet. He'd gone abroad for it and left his boss all alone. He watched absently until a familiar name got his attention. Bruce Wayne. He read the small title of the segment. Bruce Wayne speaks out on Dick Grayson's actions. He shrugged and sat forward so he could hear a little better. A reporter had a microphone shoved in the billionaire's face and asked a few questions before getting to the right one to get a response. "What's your opinion on your son's, Richard Grayson, life of crime?" she asked. Bruce's expression turned dark before he stared at the reporter with the most serious of glares. 

"He's not my son. He's just a foster kid," he spat.

Dick blinked twice as he recognised the information. A few of his workers had been walking past and overheard the moment. They paused, not even wanting to breathe whilst what happened registered with their boss. They all knew he had blow-ups and this was just the makings of one. Moving could risk getting a Wing Ding to the head or throat and they'd rather live one more day. Dick stood up slowly as the reporter continued to ask questions, bringing up past comments where he'd insisted that everyone consider Dick as his son. He refused to recount his statement nor rephrase it. He got into his limo and drove off as the footage cut back to the reporter's desk. The pair swiftly moved onto something different but Dick didn't. Move on. He stared at the TV. He began to chuckle. The chuckles turned to giggles. The giggles turned into loud cackles. He doubled over he was laughing that hard. "Uh, Boss? You okay?" Ethan asked nervously. He cautiously moved a hand to put it on the acrobat's shoulder when he suddenly straightened up. He wiped a tear away as his laughter died down. "Oh, I'm better than alright. I'm marvellous! All this time I've been putting plans on hold for the perfect moment and here it is!" he exclaimed. He brought his hands close with an excited giggle. "He handed it to me on a silver platter. I can claim a lapse of judgement, trauma driven lapse of judgement oh that's good."

"Sir, what're you talking about?"

"I'm talking wipe out. I've been building it up for so long. Shame David isn't here to see it but nevermind. Someone will Livestream it," he rambled. "Boys, get me a phone, a camera and a spot on TV!"

All was quiet in the Batcave. Nobody was talking to Bruce. They said he took it too far disowning Dick on TV but what was he meant to do? This was his last-ditch attempt and make him return to what he used to be. A go lucky hero that somehow held some sort purity even after doing the job for so many years. Perhaps there wasn't the purity he remembered was an act or something to get people to like him. He didn't want to think of that possibility. This had to work. He needed it to. He couldn't stand not having Dick around like he used to. As he was partway through finishing up a case file, his screen turned to static. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight and he tapped on the keyboard a few times. No response. The static faded away to reveal a picture of Dick, smiling happily at the camera on his throne. He'd always been dramatic. "Hello, Bludhaven and Gotham! Having a fun night? Well, it's only going to get better!" he announced, clapping his hands together in delight. Damian ran downstairs to the Cave, swearing when he saw the message on the screen. "He's hacked into everything. I can't even get on my phone," Damian stated.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now