A Talon's first kiss

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The saddest part of this is me googling how to kiss because I'm that much of a virgin that i didn't know how

It was your normal Wednesday and, whilst on his break from rigorous homeschooling, Dick found himself wondering something. He had a boyfriend, Wally, and he knew that at some point they'd kiss. The only problem was he didn't know how to. He couldn't tell if you were supposed to innately know how to do it and it was yet another thing he lost or it was something everyone struggled with. That left him wondering who to ask about it. If he looked it up then Bruce would ask him about the questionable search history and he wasn't quite ready for him to know anything further than they were dating without much intimacy. He could always ask his brothers but they seemed just as protective and Wally might not make it out alive. With the whole thing of free will being a shaky subject at best, they were bound to twist it to their advantage. They'd claim something like Dick was just doing it because Wally wanted it. That wasn't true. At least he thought so. No, he was sure. Wally hadn't even mentioned kissing and he seemed quite happy with holding hands. But he wanted to kiss him. He found himself thinking about it whenever he had a free moment. This only brought him back to the original situation. "I can hear your brain working overtime. What's up squirt?" Jason inquired, walking by the younger and noticing his unusually focused expression.

"I don't believe I'm right to talk to you about it," Dick responded. The older raised an eyebrow and sat beside him. 

"C'mon Dickie, I'm your big bro. You can tell me anything."

"My relationship with Wally has come to a point where I'm no longer complacent to only hold hands. I would like to take it further." Jason shifted uncomfortably but this went under the radar since Dick hadn't gotten to that unit of social interactions yet. "How far?" the other asked, already cringing. 


"That's it? Just kissing?" He nodded. "Oh. Well, what's the issue?"

"I'm unaware of how to do it." Jason chuckled at him, slapping him on the back.

"You and every other kid your age. Tell the speedster you wanna do it and he'll lead you through," he suggested.

"How can you be so sure he knows how to kiss?"

"He had to kiss a chick for a mission. In questioning, she kept asking for his number." He stared at him, not quite catching on to the subtext. "You're in good hands with him is what I'm trying to say."

"Thank you, Jason. I shall take your advice."

It was late one night and Wally had his arm around Dick as they watched Shrek. He said it was a staple of teenage culture. Partway through, Dick's attention wandered to the ginger. He felt his face heat up as he stared at his lips. He knew he really wanted to kiss him. He did look rather invested in this ogre though. It might be rude to interrupt him. His eyes returned to the TV but he was tense. Worried. Was this how things were supposed to go? He always struggled with these things. Jason said he was in good hands but what if there were other factors to acknowledge. "Dick?" Wally called softly. The younger snapped his head up to him, his eyes once again falling on the other's lips causing his face to heat up. 

"Yes?" he responded, forcing his eyes to meet the emerald ones he loved. They always shone. Even in dim lighting they somehow found the light. He liked that. His own eyes had a glow to them when he was in dark places but he found that too unnatural. In fact, he hated it. But that wasn't an unknown feeling. There wasn't much he liked about himself. Maybe this was all a mistake. When you kiss someone, you love them right? Wally might not be in love with him. He wouldn't put it by him. He wouldn't blame him. "Dude, what's up with you?" Wally asked, putting a hand on his cheek. 

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