11th Day of Christmas

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Happy Holidays and enjoy the fluffiest of stories where Bruce is a good dad™


Edited 07/02/2024: format change and some additions

It was the first Christmas Dick and Bruce had alone in years. Jason was away working with the Outlaws, Damian was with the Teen Titans because "Christmas was the best time for team bonding" and Tim was working with the Young Justice team seemingly for the same reason. So that left Dick and Bruce. They didn't really know how to celebrate. The last time they spent Christmas like this, Dick was still Robin. They decided to spend the day privately and then go on patrol together. A blast from the past sort of thing. Of course, they gave themselves a few hours off since it was the holidays after all. They chose a rooftop and said to meet at midnight for a three-hour-long patrol before heading back home for a super late Christmas dinner.

Nightwing looked over the city, awaiting Batman's arrival. He'd spent the day going around his friend's houses and giving out all the presents he bought for them. He snatched a few bits of their Christmas dinners here and there but didn't stay for long. He didn't want to intrude on their family time. So he spent the day hopping around. He wondered if Bruce did the same or if he just sat at home, enjoying the peace he had without his kids running around shouting. Nightwing chuckled to himself. They sounded like children the way he described them. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" Batman asked suddenly. He must've arrived whilst he had his back turned. Sneaky fucker.

"Save your penny, they're nothing interesting," he replied with a smile. "You want to hit anywhere specific?"

"I've heard there's a gang downtown planning a drug deal but that doesn't start till another hour," Batman replied. He nodded.

"We should keep moving so we don't catch our death in the cold. There have been a few muggings in an alley not far from here, fancy an easy fight?"

"Sure, I deserve to treat myself during the holidays." Nightwing rolled his eyes with a laugh. He hopped up onto the ledge, pulling out his grappling hook. 

"Come on, old man, last one there has to do the paperwork!"

After stopping four muggings and one carjacking, it was time to head over to the drug deal. They found a good vantage point and hid behind a well-placed crate. They watched as equally as suspicious people walked by the building but none of them entered. 

"I think your lead was a dud," Nightwing commented after a while. He didn't want to waste such a short patrol for a dead lead. 

"Still impatient then?" Batman replied, his eyes trained on the building in front of them. The younger scoffed at the notion. 

"No, I just don't want to waste time sitting in the cold," he reasoned. Although it hadn't snowed, the air still burned his lungs due to it being freezing and the wind was practically taking chunks of his skin. He hated the cold. It made him sluggish and that was one of the worst things to be when you fought people for a living. 

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