When your Dads meet each other

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This a request by the lovely Flutterkiddo27 hope you like it!

There were a few problems when it came to having inter-dimensional friends. Other than the obvious different dimensions, you also had time differences, an ability to contact one another and long travel between each plane of existence. However, one that neither saw happening was their respective family figures insisting on meeting the other's to make sure they weren't going to be a bad influence. So, after a few meetings alone and some reworking of schedules, Peter and Dick were able to fit in the time for The Avengers and main Justice Leaguers to finally meet one another. With two such legendary teams, there may be some growing pains. They just hoped it didn't end in disaster.

"Promise you won't embarrass me," Robin ordered. He'd decided he wouldn't take the whole Justice League. It would just be silly to bring that many along. He selected the few that he was sure weren't going to cause a scene on a purpose. Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Black Canary, Green Arrow and, of course, Batman. He wished he didn't need to bring his mentor along but it was him who insisted upon meeting the other team. He just hoped Batman didn't say something stupid. "We'll be on our best behaviour," Wonder Woman assured him. He hummed sceptically. 

"You better be." He opened the portal into Peter's dimension where he looked like he was having the same talk with his team. They greeted one another with bright smiles and hugged. Seeing one another was a rarity so they didn't waste time on the boring greetings. Unfortunately, they'd have to sit through the boring meetings of the teams. "This is part of the Justice League. Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Black Canary, Green Arrow and Batman," Robin explained, pointing to each of the heroes. Only Flash and Superman gave smiles upon the mention of their name. The others maintained harsh expressions as they studied the other heroes. "These are The Avengers. Black Widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, Captain America and Ironman," Peter explained, doing the same.

"He doesn't look like a Hulk," Green Arrow stated, looking the nerdy man up and down. 

"Oh, that's because Hulk and him are sorta separate. I didn't know if we were doing civilian identities or not," Peter answered. Robin, deciding that it might make everyone a little more comfortable to go without the formality of hero names, took off his domino mask and tucked it into his utility belt. "It's not like your team hides their faces anyways."

There was some hesitance to begin a conversation with one another. Both groups were sizing one another up so actually talking to one another took a back seat in their minds. The teens glanced to one another and sighed. They should've known it would be this awkward. "Dick, can I talk to you in private real quick?" Peter asked, already grabbing his hand and walking towards the exit. 

"Yep, no problem." They walked a fair few feet away from the groups before beginning their conversation. 

"It's like a middle school dance in there! Nobody is talking," Peter complained.

"I know. I thought at least Barry would get on with Clint but neither is making much of an effort," Dick replied. Then they looked at each other with wide eyes. How could they be so dumb? Of course, people wouldn't talk in such big groups. They needed to be divided up so they could be free to converse with one another without someone else butting in. "We need to be matchmakers," the younger stated. "Put them in pairs so they have to talk."

"If we give them a topic then they'll have the foundations needed to get to one another. You can put them together since you know their personalities then we can come up with some topics together!"

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