Just two dudes being gay

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I don't write a lot getting together fics so here's two dudes being gay and getting together because one got called out 

The team was on a day out in Gotham. They'd found a sweet little cafe that didn't have that many people and decided to stay there for lunch. They sat outside since it was a rare warm day in Gotham which was how Wally ended up smooth-talking a girl who was walking by. Robin sighed as he watched Wally flirt with yet another person who wasn't him. They'd been friends for years but Robin wanted more. He obviously couldn't say this to the speedster. He'd never seen him flirt with a guy, only girls. Bringing it up would only cause problems that neither of them wanted. So he'd just have to admire from afar. "What're you doing?" M'gann asked. Robin jumped out of his skin, making his sunglasses crooked, and quickly composed himself.

"Nothing. Well, I'm doing something. Why do people say nothing? You're always doing something like breathing," he rambled. She frowned at him and glanced over to where he'd been looking. 

"Oh, he's flirting again," she stated.

"Yep," he said, popping the p. He folded his arms and sank back into his chair. She looked back at him with a sympathetic look. 

"Why don't you just tell him you like him? No offense but it's very obvious." She made it sound so simple but it wasn't. 

"Things don't work like that," he answered with a frown. She didn't seem to catch on as to what he was alluding to. "I don't even know if he's into guys."

"You won't know until you ask." He hummed in response, his eyes occasionally darting back to Wally and the girl. M'gann noticed this and shrugged, shouting for Wally to come back to the table. Inadvertently, she'd gained the attention of the other team members who thought she was about to announce something. Why else would she be so eager for the speedster to come back? "M'gann what're you doing?" he inquired as Wally said goodbye to the girl. Fortunately for Robin, he didn't get her number on account of not talking to her long enough. She didn't answer in time before Wally had returned to his seat. "Something up M'gann?" Wally asked, noting Robin's growing blush. 

"No-" Robin began.

"Yes, there is," M'gann corrected. His eyes went wide with panic, thankfully covered by his since straightened sunglasses, and sat straight up. 

"Uh okay? What is it?" Wally asked. He noted Robin's tense posture and gave him a concerned look when Robin turned his head away so they couldn't catch eyes. It wasn't like him which grew his concern. "Robin told me he really likes you," she stated.

The team's mouths gaped open at the news whilst Robin somehow got even tenser. By the bright blush that was forming on the teen's face, Wally guessed this was true. The girl they were stood with decided this would be a great time to leave and silently walked away. "You like me, as in you wanna date me?" Wally clarified. M'gann nodded to confirm whilst Robin stuttered and struggled to come up with an answer. 

"Erm well, yes, I err, do you hear that? I think Bats is calling me. Better go," he said, stumbling over his feet as he stood up and tucked in his chair. He got out his wallet and put down a one hundred dollar bill. "Lunch on me. I'll err see you around," he said, awkwardly finger gunning at them before sprinting in the other direction.

When M'gann tried to run after him, Wally grabbed her arm and shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea," he said. She quirked an eyebrow at him. She couldn't see what was so bad about what she did. 

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