You're the best dad ever

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LunaValdezzz requested this so hope you like it!

Robin loved his team. They were his best friends and he'd gladly risk it all if it meant they were safe and sound. Despite this very clear love he felt for them, he didn't feel that love at this moment. He'd come to the Mountain for a bit of company whilst he studied. Alfred was out getting groceries for the week and without Bruce to slouch on and to occasionally ask questions, it was the best option. He thought that the team would be able to go about their day quietly as he worked but he was wrong, very wrong.

Artemis yelled at Wally for taking something without asking whilst Wally insisted he hadn't taken it. From the sounds of it, it wasn't something particularly important but Robin guessed it was the principal of the matter rather than what was actually taken. He thought M'gann would've come to save him from this noise by giving the pair a light scolding but she only contributed to the noise by periodically setting off the smoke detector with her baking and frantically shrieking for him to make them stop beeping. Even when he taught her how to do it, she still went to him for help first. Robin looked to Kaldur or even Connor for a little sympathy but they were messing with the TV. Had he not been studying, watching the pair try to work out how to work the thing whilst reading fifty step instructions would've been really funny. But he was studying. He ended up writing down what they were troubleshooting instead of the answer to the question, along with a few sentences he'd picked up from the archer and speedster's argument. Now, I don't know if any of my readers have studied advanced physics whilst being constantly distracted by your chaotic friend group, I know I haven't, but we can all imagine it wasn't a great time. It was an awful time really. So much so that he couldn't help but passive-aggressively make comments under his breath and take his work to his room. There was only one problem with his room. It wasn't furnished. It was still in its early days and, since he hadn't needed to spend any all-nighters at the Mountain, he didn't see the need to furnish it until now. He stuck between sitting on the cold metal floor in silence for an hour or putting up with a room of teenagers who were supposed to be heroes but were acting like they needed adult supervision twenty-four seven so they didn't rip each other apart or accidentally set a kitchen on fire or electrocute themselves. The floor was particularly dirty so Robin begrudgingly trekked back to where he was sitting and carried on.

As he tried to work as well as cling to the last of his sanity, Bruce sent him a text. He knew Robin would be spending some time at the Mountain and decided to check on him. "How're things?" he asked simply.

"An hour with the Joker would've been easier," Robin replied.

"That's a bit dramatic."

"Just listen to this then tell me I'm being dramatic." He took a video of the room, pointing it to each of his distractions, then sent it. Typing. 

"You've got me there."

"I know right? It's amazing how we get anything done together." He guessed Bruce was called back to hero work after he didn't get a response and sighed. Typical really. He was used to it by now; playing second fiddle to Bruce's work all the time. It didn't bother him that much anymore. "Bye I guess," he added before setting his phone aside.

Not long after going silent on text message, Batman appeared at the Mountain. Though nobody heard his arrival over their self made chaos. That soon changed when a gruff voice barked, "Quiet!" They jumped at the loud noise and turned their heads to see who emitted it. They were met with a rather angry looking Batman who was glaring at each of them. A cold sweat broke out on their skin in his ever intimidating presence. Robin was the only one unaffected by his presence. He never felt scared of him. Maybe that's because he grew up with Batman always by his side, skulking in the shadows, or because he'd seen the terrifying white eyes in a sea of black that was his bedroom at night and got all of his fear out then before getting used to them. He smiled to himself and carried on with his work, knowing he wouldn't be the one receiving a lecture on this occasion. "The Mountain's sensors are indicating that you're being attacked because you're so loud. I don't want to come here on a false distress call again," Batman announced. Robin withheld a laugh at that. There was no such thing in the Mountain. There was no such thing anywhere within the League. They'd be too sensitive and just cause more trouble than they were worth. If you've ever been in a heated meeting, which the League experienced often, you'd know it got very loud very quickly and the hypothetical sensors would be going crazy for nothing. Unlike Robin, the team bought it and nodded nervously. "We won't let it happen again sir," Kaldur replied on behalf of the team. Batman hummed, pleased with his answer, and left. Robin chased after him, leaving a relieved team behind him.

"Batman! Wait up!" he called. His mentor stopped and turned to Robin, softening his posture. He even flashed him a smile. "Thanks for that," Robin said, grinning gratefully at him. 

"It was no problem. You'd only be complaining about it all night," he replied. 

"Giving you love and appreciation here, don't ruin the moment." Robin gave him a quick hug. He wished it could be longer but they both had an image to uphold so he'd have to make up for it later. "Wait, weren't you supposed to be in Morroco?" he questioned as they parted.

"I'm going back there now but I could spare some time." Robin's grin brightened significantly at that. He wasn't playing second fiddle on this occasion. Had he been a little more sleep-deprived than usual he would've cried at this revelation. "You're the best dad ever," he replied, stealing another hug before returning to his studying. Batman stood there a second. 

"I'm the best dad ever," he whispered. He did everything in his power not to grin wider than the Joker then went back to the Batjet. He made a mental note to get the surveillance footage from that day so he could have the sound bite of "You're the best dad ever" whenever parenting Robin felt like it was getting too much.

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