3rd day of Christmas

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Here we have a request and shout out for imustbealoner! If you like my stories then you'll definitely like theirs! Check them out since they pretty much have stories for everyone 



School sucked. Home sucked. His social life sucked. Everything had suddenly got so sucky so fast that Dick found himself with fifty things to be annoyed at but no way to actually vent it. Well, that was until he came across the perfect punching bag whilst out as Robin. A group of low life criminals that were just asking to be found out. They were in an alleyway of all places doing a drug deal. There had to be twenty of them cramped down there at the most. Robin had overheard their negotiations and couldn't believe his luck when he did a risk assessment. None of them were well trained in hand to hand combat, that was obvious by the constant checking of their weapons since they relied on them so heavily, and they looked quite young. The oldest of them couldn't have been more than twenty-five. Inexperience, lack of hand to hand combat skills and a small space where they were easily trapped in by a dead end? Someone up there was finally giving him a break. Then he remembered one thing. He was supposed to meet up with his Young Justice teammates tonight and he was already late for the meeting. They probably told his family at this point since he hadn't told them he wasn't dying in a ditch somewhere. Then again, Gotham was a big place. If it was only his family looking for him then he could easily finish these guys off before they found him. Even if they didn't find him straight after he could just send them a quick message to say that he got caught up in a mugging. Robin weighed up his options and, although he was admittedly biased towards this option, he landed on beating these guys up then explaining himself later. This could be a little secret.

A smoke bomb was thrown to the ground and the men coughed harshly as it burned their throats. They were caught off guard, exactly what Robin wanted. "What's going on?" one yelled. Robin dropped down into the middle of it and began quickly disarming the men. He left a few with their weapons just for a little fun. What could he say? He loved the feeling of fear-induced adrenaline. The unexpectedness of a gun just sent a rush through him. He'd never been able to recreate the very specific feeling in any other situation. He tossed the guns in a dumpster, causing a loud clang that the men could hear. Until then they had been unaware that their only line of defense was gone. Those who did have their guns began to shoot wildly into the smoke, causing a few of the other men to run off. Now that wouldn't do. As a symphony of gunshots rang through the alley, Robin went after the three that had mistakenly run to the dead end. He dashed after them before jumping onto one of their shoulders. He threw all his weight back, sending them both plummeting to the ground. He quickly moved so he wouldn't get crushed under the guy's weight and got onto his chest. He punched him square in the jaw, enough to knock him out. He was about to go in for the second punch when the two other men gathered together some confidence and pulled him off their co-worker. "Found your balls then?" he remarked before throwing his legs up and kicking each in the face. They released him as they reeled from the pain which he promptly took advantage of by tripping them up with a pair bolas. They fell to the ground with a loud thump. Robin tied up their hands behind their backs so they wouldn't give him a problem when he went after the others.

Kid Flash and Miss Martian were the ones who pushed for the team as well as the Batfamily to go on the search for Robin. Gotham was too unpredictable for just one of the teams to go out. This could all be a trap and, if so, those captured needed the backup. As Kid Flash ran through the streets, his attention was caught by the sound of pained yells. He turned down a narrow alley but stood dead in his tracks with the sight he was met with. Men were rushing around something in the middle of them that was knocking people out one by one. There'd be an occasional smoke bomb let off here and there to add more chaos. Some were firing at the thing in the middle but considering no one had relaxed, they weren't hitting their target. None of them noticed the arrival of the speedster, neither did they notice the arrival of his teammates who were equally befuddled by the sight. Artemis spotted a bright yellow blur that quickly diminished into black. There were spots of red that they could see through gaps in the group. That combined with the smoke bombs gave them their answer. Suddenly, Robin popped up without a scratch on him and sent two men flying. They skidded along the floor and stopped just in front of his teammates which he either didn't see or just ignored. The men were unconscious, their faces covered in small cuts and soon to be rather painful bruises. "Shouldn't we do something?" Miss Martian inquired. Though, admittedly, she was intimidated by the show her friend was putting on. 

"I'd like to keep my features where they are," Kid Flash replied, glancing down at the broken nose of one of the guys.

"I have to agree with KF," Aqualad agreed. Sure they were superheroes and Robin was just a regular human but he didn't fancy their chances. He'd looked very angry when he popped up before so Aqualad thought it better not to get involved. They ducked as another victim of the boy wonder's rage was flung at them. "Let's just call Batman. It's his protege," Superboy suggested. 

"In the meantime, at least we get some good entertainment," Artemis said.

"Why did you-oh shit is that Robin?" Red Robin began before noticing his little brother leaving men black and blue. 

"Yep. He's got five left so we were just gonna let him finish before saying anything," Kid Flash replied. There were unconscious men littering the alley, some twitching or groaning in pain. Most of their faces were swelling up from being punched so hard and the heroes had to feel a little bad for them. The pain they'd feel in the morning would be awful. "He's really going in huh?" Red Hood commented. Normally Robin was more reserved with his punches. He used as much power as needed and often went for a defense approach rather than offense but right now he was going on a rampage. There was a small amount of pride that went along with watching him as well as a small amount of fear. None of them very much fancied being on the other side of his punches. "How long has this been going on for?" Batman asked. Robin was coming to the end of the fight now. There were only two people left and they were moments before declaring a surrender to be spared from his fury. The team shrugged their shoulders. A loud crack followed by an ear-piercing shriek made them all jump and return their attention to the boy they'd previously been watching. Initially, they thought the shriek came from him, but as they heard another one they realized it was from the man he was sitting on top of. He'd been straddling his waist and continued to punch him with no end. The criminal's nose was bent at a completely wrong angle but that wasn't the real problem. Part of his cheekbone had been broken and his eye had sunk back partially. Yet this didn't stop the hero. He continued to punch and risked breaking the other cheekbone. His teeth were gritted as blood splattered on his face as the man was coughing up the crimson substance.

Finally, Batman stepped in and dragged his ward off the man to prevent a permanent solution to stop the criminal from his dishonest works. Robin kicked and struggled against his hold. He managed to break away and get into a fighting position but paused when he realized who it was. "B? What're you doing here?" he asked.

"You didn't turn up for your mission so we went searching for you," the older explained.

"It's a good thing we did. You could've killed someone, Grayson," Nightwing added. Robin quirked an eyebrow and cast his eyes on the bodies around him. He'd really done a number on them. "Sorry. I just needed some cartharsis. I guess I got carried away," he replied shamefully. He hadn't meant to hurt them that bad. 

"We'll talk about it when you get back from your mission. It's been delayed enough," Batman told him. He patted him on the back and sent the team on their way. 

"We should really keep an eye on that," Red Hood began. "Who knows what'll happen next time?"

"You gotta admit it was cool to see though," Red Robin said. He was met with a skeptical hum that he shrugged off. He'd have to catch up with Robin later to see if they could patrol together. It would be way more fun than hanging with the other two. Especially if he always got that crazy.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now