High as a kite but ready to fight

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Yes I'm proud of that title it's great 

Supergirl406 suggested this on the ol discord so I wrote it in my lunch hour but idk if you guys want me to finish it??


After being voted the best undercover cop in his unit, Dick went into his next job rather confidently. He'd been able to slip into the gang easily with his charismatic personality and ability to change his looks completely so he thought this would be yet another run of the mill gang takedown. Though he went in confident, he soon lost that when he got word of what was going on in his department. They were cutting funding once again which meant if something went wrong on this job, he'd probably be dead by the time they'd gathered enough equipment to get a SWAT team together. He decided to bring in Bruce and Tim at that point. Yes, he'd been working alone as Dick for years but he had to make sure there was a plan B. It gave him a sense of safety that was needed to get through the day. Of course, they agreed to keep an ear out for any trouble and would step in when he thought they needed to. He thought that would be the end of his worries until he got a call whilst taking a 'smoke' break. 

Dick wasn't a smoker but he needed the minute outside to catch himself and get some sort of fresh air. He knew something was up. Everyone was giving him side glances and were generally unfriendlier than usual. He scanned through his thoughts as he leant against the wall for what could've caused it. That's when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He glanced around subtly before pulling it out and answering the call. "Where are you?" Bruce demanded.

"Work," he answered. Instantly he felt a shiver go down his spine. The sort of shiver you get when you know you're going to get bad news but you're yet to get it. He could just feel it coming and he knew for a fact what it was. "They've found me out, haven't they?" he stated before Bruce could. Behind him, he heard the back door swing open and slam against the brick wall, letting out a metallic twang. He knew better than to attempt to run away when he heard the gun cocks behind him. He'd have to play nice for a bit. "Put the phone down," a voice ordered from behind him.

"We're coming," Bruce stated, overhearing the demand. Dick hung up and slowly knelt down, putting his phone on the floor. He held his hands up in surrender and slowly turned around. "Should've known you were too much of a goodie-goodie for this job," one stated as the other three began to surround the acrobat. He chuckled lowly, offsetting the intense vibe. 

"I'll take that as a compliment. So, is one of you going to shoot or are we just going to stand here all day?" They frowned at him but the guy who must've made himself the leader of the little group soon smirked. 

"No, we've got other plans for you. You're going to be our little test subject." Internally, the acrobat groaned. This better not leave him bed-bound for a while. It would be inconsiderate of them to make him like that to say the least. "Oh goodie. I would jump for joy but Jerry over there is known to be a little trigger happy and I don't fancy bleeding out whilst you lot test on me."

"I suggest you drop the sarcasm pretty boy. We can make your experience a whole lot worse." Dick rolled his eyes. He'd heard the same threat over and over. It got a bit boring after the 10th time. "Alright tough guy, let's get this over with shall we?"

One look from Batman and Tim was already in his Robin suit and ready to beat some criminal ass. They jumped into the Batmobile and raced downtown to the criminal hideout where Dick was working his case. "Remind me to donate some money to that stupid SWAT team. What are they SWATing with their budget cut? Flies?" Batman muttered angrily with his pedal to the metal. Nobody came between him and his sons unless they had a deathwish. He already looked ready to break someone's bones and they hadn't even seen what they were planning or had done to Dick. "Calm down the sass, he's a big boy now. He can take care of himself. I bet by the time we get there, he'll be sitting outside waiting for us to pick him up and bring him home so he doesn't have to pay for the hospital trip," Robin offered. He gave his mentor a smile to further drive home his point. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now