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This is the best I can do for some reason but I promise they'll be more fluff later on for the pair 

The night was clear for once. David could see all the twinkling stars as he lay on the rooftop. They twinkled daintily above him, occasionally covered by a plane or a helicopter. He was at the safe house but wasn't hiding from his boyfriend's last dastardly scheme like many a time before. They just fancied spending some time outside of Bludhaven to have their own time. He couldn't sleep so he decided to spend some time outside. Hopefully, the fresh air would make him tired but he doubted it would. There was too much on his mind to let the sea airbrush away. Half of it wasn't even that bad. Just possible hits, new territories, different ways to make money and new recruits. All that jazz that comes with co-running a gang that spread both of them a little too thin. Then there were the other things. Potential hitmen just as deadly as him getting about. He'd had three requests to kill Dick in the last month and they weren't letting him rest easy. If he wouldn't do the job then someone else surely would. Luckily this place was a pretty secret so he could have some alone time without thinking the worst. Then again, he didn't know if he even wanted that alone time. "Lovely night for stargazing, though I wouldn't suggest it in your pajamas in November," Dick said suddenly. David sat up and looked over to him. He was bundled in his dressing gown and wore a soft expression. One that showed just how much he cared for the other man. "How long have you been up?" David asked.

"Not long. Now come back inside before you catch a cold," he answered.

"I'm fine, you go sleep." Dick put his hand on his hip and tutted at the order. He walked over and sat on the floor, quickly moving to his boyfriend's lap when he found it too cold. "What're you doing?"

"Sitting with you. If you're not coming inside, I'm not going back to bed."

The hitman huffed, rolling his eyes and accepting his fate. He didn't want to get in his bad books whilst they were away from the city. "Fine, you win," he relented, standing up with Dick in his arms. He'd gotten used to carrying his boyfriend around since he often got clingy after long periods apart. Somehow it didn't make him lose any respect holding onto David like a koala does a tree. Maybe because he'll shoot you dead if you say a word about it. "You say that as though I wouldn't in the first place." David grumbled under his breath and walked back to the bedroom, then noticed Dick's frown. 

"What's wrong?"

"You don't seem right. What're you thinking in that head of yours?" he asked, looking deeper into the other's eyes as though that would give him the power to read his mind. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about," David stated. He got under the covers and did his best to ignore the sparkling blue eyes staring at him. "Stop doing that."

"I will when you tell me what's up. You and I don't keep secrets," he replied firmly. David sighed. He knew how stubborn he could be. He'd be at it all night. Well, what was left of it. 

"You're in danger Dick. More so now than before." He looked down at his hands. Ones that had been drenched in crimson too many times to count. He prayed that Dick's blood was never on them but who knew. Dick's hand touched his face which brought his eyes up to his face. His touch was ever so light with him. He acted like David was made of glass and one rough move might break him. That's what David loved about him. He felt precious in his lover's hands. No one ever thought of him as precious other than Dick. He was just the big guy with the muscles that was stone cold. Heaven forbid that he needed to be cared for too. He guessed that's why they made such a great couple. There was an understanding that despite how buff the pair were, sometimes they liked to be treated like dainty fragile things when the time called for it. "I'm a big boy who can look after himself. You forget I've been in this gig since I was a kid," he assured him. David hummed. That was true but that wasn't the answer he wanted. Dick ran his thumb along the other's scar. He didn't know the story behind it and he'd rather not know about it. The ginger never explained it and he never pryed. "I want you to be safe with me," David admitted, his eyes dropping to the covers then back up to his lover. He was met with a sympathetic smile.

"If it makes you feel better, I feel safer whenever you're around." David chuckled weakly and pulled Dick into a hug. For some reason, that did make him feel better. It made him feel great. He actually made Dick feel safe. He really thought that David could protection. "Yeah, it does." Dick giggled and hugged him back. "Does that mean you can rest easy now?" he asked, running his fingers through his ginger locks. His hair was so soft. He wished his hair was longer since it would be wonderful to braid. He'd requested David grow out his hair but he always refused. "No more than usual." Dick tutted and got up, straddling his torso. He wore a determined look that just spelled trouble for his boyfriend. "Then what will?" He shrugged. Dick hummed, rubbing his chin in deep thought, before snapping his fingers. "You're the most handsome man in the world." David cocked his head in confusion. "If I didn't have you, I don't know what I'd do." His face began to heat up. "Your scar is cute as all hell." 

"Stop doing that."

"I have to restrain myself from kissing you every moment we're together." David's face went red and he tried to hide it with his arm, only for it to be pulled away by Dick. 

"Stop it."

"I love you more than anything." David smiled, laughing to himself, which must've been what his boyfriend was awaiting. He received a kiss on a cheek and felt Dick move from his lap to his side where he rested his head on his chest. "That help cheer you up Mr. Misery?" David rolled his eyes. He looked down at him, almost spotting the halo above his head. He was just an angel. Well, an angel who killed people but an angel nonetheless. "Most definitely."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now