It's corona time

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So this is the end of another book. I feel like i filled this one up faster but time flies when you project your emotions onto a fictional character. I'll put the link to the new book once I make it at here or you can just go on my profile when it's up -

Thank you all for reading this book and commenting and requesting all that jazz. It's been wonderful and I hope you'll all come to the new book when I make it because let's be honest, we've still got plenty of stories to do :)

I thought it best to finish this book with something relevant that was also a request from 123321gn because this book has been about your involvement more so than before 

With this, I mean no offense to those who are suffering from COVID 19 or if they have lost people due to this pandemic. We're living in weird times and I think we need to find joy in the small things. Believe me, it's fucking difficult. I myself had to take a break. This story is more about the self-isolation we're all going through and no character will be depicted as having the virus as I find that a step too far. I hope you're all doing well and staying safe 

Now let's all poke some fun as some batboys and batgirls

They all knew what was going to happen as soon as it was announced COVID 19 had come to Gotham's neighbouring cities. Immediately a black limo pulled up outside of Jason's safehouse, Tim's apartment and Dick's workplace. The brothers were all pulled inside and taken to the manor where they would have to isolate for the next two weeks. When Dick was pulled inside the car, Bruce got out and went straight into his workplace with papers saying he was owed at least a month of work. How he got those papers, no one knew. They didn't even know if it was legitimate but it looked good enough for the commissioner to let it slide. "Uh, what's going on?" Dick asked whilst his foster father worked his magic. His brothers gave him a look that only an annoying daddybats could bring forth before Tim handed him some antibacterial. "That coronavirus got Bruce all antsy so now we're all isolating for the next two weeks at least," he explained.

"I don't have any clothes at the manor."

"Bruce bought us all new clothes. He already got Steph and Cass," Jason added.

"Oh this is going to be hell," Dick grumbled, cleaning his hands before passing back the small bottle. He couldn't stand staying inside for more than two days and he hated not patrolling. If he wasn't working at night then he'd be sitting around at five in the morning twiddling his thumbs whilst listening to the morning radio that only played hits from the 80s. It was boring. Those two things combined with being confined to the property of the manor was enough to make him go insane. His siblings wouldn't be any better either though he seemed to be the most hyperactive of the bunch. "You're telling me," Tim muttered. "I have to be stuck with a drunkard, an ex and a demon spawn."

"If none of us are dead by the end of it, it'll be a miracle."

The first few days went on fine. Everyone took the time to finish off the cases to the best of their abilities and send them off to the relevant police department. It was tough at first to accept that they could no longer get the relief of finishing a case and bringing in the culprit themselves but it kept their mind off things. Then they ran out of cases. They couldn't go outside to get more cases so they were forced to go without their vigilante kick. 

Dick suggested that they sparred with one another to waste some time but they could only work out for so long and that didn't last the whole day. Especially not when most of them were already sick of one another and not pulling their punches. They all ended up with dark bruises and Dick even ended up with a dislocated shoulder from Cass throwing him into Steph because she kept saying "an I oop." Granted, Cass didn't mean to throw him that hard but it was still a valid reaction. At least that's what the rest of her siblings concluded. 

Tim suggested that he taught his siblings some more up to date techniques for hacking. That ended with a computer being thrown at the wall but it wasn't too bad. It had been aimed at Tim's head. If that wasn't annoying enough, everyone soon gave up on learning hacking skills and began a game of Kahoot with the aim being to keep it a secret for as long as they could. They got to an hour before Tim heard Damian ask who Seymour Thots was. Granted, had he not asked it in such an innocent way, the group might've managed to hold their cool and go for longer.

The next day Damian attempted to teach everyone some basic sword skills. He soon got frustrated and threw his sword. His sword then made up for his poor aim from the day before as it ended up in Tim's shoulder. He grumbled as Bruce scolded him and was sent to the confinements of his room without dinner. Of course, he didn't go without a meal for the entire night. Dick, in what could be described as the closest thing to a miracle, crawled into the vent that led to his room with a small bag of protein bars to keep him for the night. How he didn't get stuck in there was a question the boy would never know the answer to. 

Following the idea that they'd spend a couple of days teaching things to one another, Jason decided it was his turn. Only he wanted to teach them all how to use guns because, in his own words, "You've gotta know your enemy." The enemy, in this case, being a gun. Bruce, seeing the pattern that had been going on during the first three days, banned the use of actual guns and replaced them with Nerf guns. In theory, this was the perfect solution. Nerf guns didn't really cause damage and as long as they played in the back garden they'd be fine. I say in theory because Bruce forgot one thing. His children were idiots. As he was out shopping for the necessary things like milk, bread, and cereal, Bruce got a call from Alfred. Jason decided that Nerf guns didn't cause enough damage when you shot someone and that way his siblings would never learn. In order to fix this problem, they superglued push pins onto the tip of the foam bullets. They then all went in the garden and waged war on one another in teams. They were originally going to go with boys vs girls but they had an odd number so Dick played with the girls. Alfred has called Bruce to tell him that the girls had won and they'd run out of bandaids due to the sheer amount pin marks on everyone - he was forced by Steph to emphasize that the boy's team had taken most of the bandaids. It was at that point, whilst standing in the line with beady eyes glaring at him for buying so much even though he had six children to feed, Bruce ended the teaching days as a way to pass the time. 

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