tfw you blame someone for their best friend's death

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FandomTrash257 requested this and I did get teary-eyed near the end so good luck 


Tim rubbed his finger with his thumb as he nervously tried to buck up some courage to knock on the door. He was never good at admitting when he was wrong. Blame it on his youth or his ego but that didn't make it any easier. At least it wasn't just him. Beside him stood Bart and Garfield. Gar for short. Cassie and Jaime had tagged along too. La'gann wasn't able to make it since he was a stand in on a last-minute mission at the time but sent his apologies. The door in front of them wasn't anything to look at which just made it weird for a bunch of teenagers to be looking at it like it could kill them. He let out a shaky breath and bit his lip, his knuckled finally colliding with the wood as he did. Why were they standing at the door? Well that was a long story.

It was on one of their missions where they realized what they'd believed was wrong. Ever since Wally died, they'd all been in agreement that Nightwing was to blame. After all, it was his stupid plan. He came up with the idea, made his former teammates play along whilst excluding others and he didn't drop it when things went wrong. Fair to say, he wasn't allowed back in the Mountain. In fact, none of them had seen him since they set up the monument to their fallen friend. They made their feelings pretty clear then that they didn't want to see him again. So he didn't come to see them and they didn't care. Their mission was to destroy a load of technology from this firm that outsources to the most dangerous villains known to the League. It would save them future trouble when the machines eventually got used in some diabolical plan or something. They got to the room where all the information and machinery was stored and took one look at one another. Immediately they knew they weren't going to bother with meticulously going through files upon files of information only to deconstruct the machines carefully. No. They were teenagers. With teenage angst. They were going to smash everything up. However, in the blinding catharsis of smashing all of this machinery up, they kind of forgot that this could end badly. The fateful smash that caused their predicament came from Wonder Girl slamming her fists down on a keyboard, hitting the button that set off the time machine in the process which promptly let out a spark of white light, sucking them all into a past that was held in the one place they all had an emotional connection to.

The Mountain. Five years ago.

They blinked their eyes a few times to get rid of those weird colored orbs you get when someone shines a bright light right into your eyes or when you look at the sun. Once they'd done that enough times, they were able to see that they were indeed in the Mountain. "Huh, I guess it was a transporter?" Impulse stated.

"Urgh, we've got to treck all the way back?" Beast Boy complained. Impulse was about to suggest they blag it when he saw M'gann float into the room with...Artemis? What was she doing here? In hero get up nonetheless? In her old suit even more nonetheless? "There is no way," Artemis stated, a smirk playing on her lips.

"You two have such great chemistry though!" M'gann insisted. She looked weird too. For one, she wasn't bald. For two, she was wearing her civvies. She hardly wore them around the Mountain anymore. She liked to be more professional now since she held a senior position on the team. Artemis waved her hand dismissively, trying to hold back a fake gag. "The day Baywatch and I get together is the day when the world ends." The team froze. Baywatch was Wally. 

"Robin now's the time to use those big brains and explain this mess," Blue Beetle stated.

"I think that wasn't a transporter. It's more likely that it was a time machine," he replied. He was just as shell shocked. 

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