Good things never last

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Black10Always is feeding into my angst


This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Fathers were supposed to protect their sons not the other way around. Yet here Bruce was. He made sure the funeral went perfectly. He'd become obsessed with it. Friends would tell him that this wasn't what his son would've wanted from him. He wouldn't have wanted him to work himself to the bone but Bruce never listened. This was for his son and his son deserved the best. He stared blankly as the casket descended into the grave. There had been a ring of blue followers around the name on it. Blue was the theme. He'd always liked that color. Dirt was shoveled in and suddenly it all became too real. His son was dead and it was all his fault.

It was on a family mission, one of the few they took each month. Batman had planned it out yet he was still caught off guard when they were met with waves and waves of gunmen. It was coming down to the last few rounds. They were all tired. Slip-ups that wouldn't have happened at the beginning were becoming more common. They all became aware that this would be a tough fight to win but they kept going. Nightwing had just disarmed a gunman when he caught his mentor out of the corner of his eye. He knew the older man was struggling. His movements were becoming sluggish. His attempts to protect Red Hood as he reloaded wasn't the best. It was then that he noticed a man aim a gun at Batman. He was too busy to even notice. Nightwing, quick on his feet as per usual, ran to push him out the way. Only the shot had been fired. He was human. He didn't have the speed of the Flash and he knew that. He had an inkling that he wouldn't get out of the way in time. In a way, he'd accepted his fate. So he did what he did. He felt the bullet rip through his suit and straight into his torso. A dreaded sense of panic set in because he knew his body well. He also knew the places where if you were shot, you weren't bouncing back from that. It was one of those places. The metal settled into the fatal spot, content that its job was done. The pair fell to the ground. Batman didn't think anything was wrong with either of them. He was about to remark about it being a close call when he saw red drip onto the concrete.

"Bruce, will you always protect me? No matter what?"

"Of course I will chum. It's my job."

Nightwing chuckled to himself softly when he saw the ever-growing pool of blood come into view. He wanted to keep things light. Light meant it wouldn't be too traumatizing. He'd never wish that upon anyone, especially not the man who raised him and his the kids he thought of as brothers. "Oops," he mumbled. His arms were getting weak. That was fast, he thought. He expected to have a little more time. He smiled at Batman sadly. He knew the man knew. He'd be an idiot to think any differently. Batman gulped down the sick he felt trying to rise up his throat. "Dick," he whispered, terrified. This couldn't be it. It just couldn't be it. They still had so much to do together. "You stupid stupid boy," he whimpered, rushing to be closer with his son. Nightwing cackled deliriously, only stopping when he felt something trickle down his lips. He swiped the back of his hand against his chin and admittedly became panicked when he saw blood. "What were you thinking?" Batman scolded though they both knew it was half-hearted. He was just upset. Angry at everything. Terrified that these were their last moments together. 

"Gotta keep you safe old man," Nightwing teased. His arms became too weak to hold himself up so he dropped to the floor with a pained groan. Batman quickly picked him up and kept him close to his chest. He brushed aside some black locks so they didn't make the younger seem uncomfortable. "I guess this is it huh?" he asked. Tears pricked at his eyes upon admitting that this was indeed his last mission. "Woulda been nice to go out later on but hey ho c'est la vie."

"I'm so sorry Dickie. I should've done so many things better and now I just-I can't make up for it all," Batman said. His lips quivered.

"Do you think death hurts?"

"You shouldn't think of that. You're too young to."

"I nearly die every day it would be kinda nice to know if I should be worried about it or not."

"Father, what's wrong with Grayson?" Robin asked. They'd cleared all the men attacking them even though they were two down. Initially, the three left to fend for themselves were a little peeved. That was until he saw the river of blood greeting them. Batman's silence was all too telling. They cautiously approached the pair and came to see the discomfort on their elder brother's face. He nuzzled into Batman's chest to try and feel better. "Can you promise me something?" Nightwing asked.

"Anything," his mentor answered.

"Can I be with my parents?"

"Of course, I'll make sure of it," he replied.

"Dick, you can't go. We need you here," Red Robin insisted. Nightwing reached for his hand and gave it as tight a squeeze as he could manage. 

"Hey, maybe I'll come back? You never know. Just look after each other even when you hate each other." He hissed in pain as his body tried to reject the metal. It didn't work of course. His muscles were just contracting around the bullet. Blood was still rushing to his mouth and filling it with an irony taste. He hated it. He whimpered under his breath, trying to stay strong in front of his family. They didn't need to see him like that. It would just make it hard for them to move on. "I've got you, chum. I'm right here," Batman assured him. 

"Dad, look after 'em."

"I will. I always will."

"Don't ever let them get a mullet. 's a bad idea I promise you," he joked. He coughed after trying to laugh, groaning at how it jostled his wound. 

"I'll make sure they steer clear of it. I love you. You've made me so proud."

"We love you too," Red Hood admitted.


"If I don't go to hell when I die I might go to heaven."

"You'll go to heaven chum, no doubt about it. You're a great person."

The pause was too long. Batman gently shook the body in his arms. There wasn't a response. "Dick? Dickie please?"

"Grayson stop it!" Robin cried. "Don't leave me here!" Red Robin took the younger into his arms as he sobbed. Red Hood just stared at the body in front of him. So this is where caring about people got you? Still, he wouldn't miss out on caring for the idiot for anything in the world. He loved him. They all did. But as the saying goes, good things never last. And Nightwing was the best thing ever. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now