Nightwing being a badass

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Here's a request from CenterofWisdom which was requested forever ago so thank you for being patient

I think I included everything they wanted

They also said Wally never died since they're in denial 

The first few months as Young Justice leader changed Nightwing almost completely. Friends of his hardly recognized him. He had a permanent frown on his face and didn't laugh half as much as he used to. Something about him had changed and those who knew him best hated it. So, when she got the free time, M'gann pulled him aside. "Is something the matter?" she asked worriedly. She knew people changed over time, that was life, but there was something so unnerving about this. He almost reminded her of Batman but she decided not to bring that up. "What? No, everything's great. Why do you ask?" he responded.

"You seem a little...different," she replied.

"Well, yeah! I thought it would be better for the team to see me as a strong leader," he said. She frowned at him and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Dick, you can have fun and be a strong leader. I'm sure they'd love to see that side of you," she assured him. Nightwing nodded, taking the advice on board. 

"If you say so, I'll loosen up around them."

Jaime and Bart were playing video games when they noticed Nightwing walk in. They quickly turned off their game and grabbed the homework they were supposed to be doing. He always told them schoolwork was their highest priority under emergency hero events. The older walked in and leaned over their shoulders in interest. "What're you doing?" he asked.

"Homework, like the great students we are," Jaime answered. He got a small glare from the ginger beside him. 

"That's a takeaway menu," Nightwing pointed out. The teen looked down, realizing his mistake.

 "So, I'll ask you again, what're you doing? Or what were you doing?" Bart sighed and showed him the video game CD case. "Mortal Combat? I used to be great at this," he said with a nostalgic smile. The younger pair stared at him in disbelief. They'd only seen him as a mostly stern role model whose glare could make even Batman break eye contact. "You're joking?" Bart blurted out.

"I used beat Wally pretty much every time we played this. He only won when I was high on medicine. Mind if I play a game?" he requested, a slightly mischievous smile growing on his face. They nodded, still stunned that he actually had hobbies outside of kicking criminal ass. He jumped over the side of the couch, gladly taking the controller Jaime handed to him. Bart turned on the game again and began to give him a rundown of the basics. "Dude, I know how to play Mortal Combat," Nightwing interrupted. "I'm 18, not 85," he added. Bart shrugged and picked up the controller. 

"Alright, I'll go easy on you since you're probably going to be rusty," he taunted. The older scoffed, tightening his grip on the controller. M'gann said to loosen up around them and this was the gateway to doing so.

"How did you beat me? It's been like thirty seconds!" Bart yelled, throwing his hands up in dismay. They'd played ten matches and each time Nightwing won. He smirked at the younger before handing the controller over to Jaime. "I've been playing these games since I was a kid," Nightwing explained. The younger huffed and fell back on his chair. Nightwing put a fake sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up over it. I've been schooling speedsters in video games since I was 9," he reasoned. Jaime chuckled at his friend's harsh pout.

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