Bros who murder together, stay together

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CloeTheTealSnake suggested this and i ran with it


Dick wasn't one for subtleties. When he did something, he went big. He needed to wipe out a gang that was occupying an area that would be great to have. Although it would be ten times easier to send some goons in there and let them have at it, that wasn't nearly dramatic enough nor was it that impressive. What was impressive, and would double as some brotherly bonding, was taking down an entire gang in one night with alongside an anti-hero that was well respected. So that's what brought Dick to sitting outside his brother's window, lightly knocking on it, with a grin. Jason heard the knocking and jumped when he saw his older brother instead of a rather large bird. He slid the window open, allowing the other to slither inside and begin walking around his safe house. "Lovely place brother dear but you can't decorate for shit," he commented, swiping his index finger along the cabinet closest. A thick coat of dust covered his finger which he flicked off with a disgusted look. "And dirty. You really should clean."

"I don't have visitors often so there's no point," Jason responded. His eyebrow was raised curiously, knowing that his brother was there for something. He always had a reason to come over even if the reason was half concocted and more of an excuse more than anything else. "Surprise visitors are a thing. Speaking of, are you free tonight?" There it was.

"Depends on what you want from me," the younger replied. Dick had begun subconsciously cleaning the place. He'd picked up a few empty glass beer bottles and put them all together in one place instead of putting them in the bin. Sure he was a bit of a villain but that didn't mean he doesn't recycle. "There's a little gang downtown. Cobra something. Awfully predictable. But they do have a pretty little place that I'm dying to get," he explained, now collecting the loose takeaway leaflets. He pocketed one he liked the look of then continued. Jason just let him get on with it. "Obviously, I could just get some men down there but that's boring and I'm not boring. So I thought you like to shoot guns, I like to stab people, it's a win-win if you come along," he continued. "What do you say?"

"Batman won't like this," Jason said with a devilish grin. Dick returned it.

"That's just a bonus."

"Alright, I'll tag along. Give me a place and time," he replied. He liked this new Dick. Less preachy and way more fun to hang out with. 

"Let's say midnight, the building in front of the old sweet factory," the older told him, going back to the window.

"Real bullets?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Red Hood jumped onto the apartment building and looked around for his older brother. He was admittedly very excited for the mission together. He would've been very bored if it wasn't for the surprise visits. He wished he got them more often. Though he could already feel the headache from Batman's lecture about enabling Dick, it was worth it. "Look at you being early," Dick stated from the shadows. He was with a man that was taller than him, being passed something that glinted in the dark. "That's it for now love. You better get going, they'll only get pissy with me if you're late for poker night," Dick told the man. They kissed quickly and he slapped the taller on the ass. 

"I swear to God Dick," the other muttered grumpily before running off. Dick watched him go with a cheeky smirk and walked over to greet his brother. Knives were strapped to his waist and he was armed with his escrima sticks. He was noticeably unmasked, probably as an added fuck you to Batman. "Who's the boy toy?" Red Hood inquired.

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