Snoggin Nightwing

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Frosty9000isawesome requested some officer Dick action and I tried my best with making this completely uplifting because as we all know I'm much more comfortable making you cry than making you laugh

if we could not make fun of the names I chose that'd be great we all know I can't pick names for shit

"Sup losers, what we talking about?" Dick announced, pouring his cup of coffee. Sure his heart was beating faster than Usain Bolt can run but he could still drink another cup before he put himself into a caffeine-induced heart attack. There weren't many people in the breakroom since it was the change over of shifts and most were either going home or going to their desks. The three people he greeted were Kate, Phil, and Alice. They were sat at the table and had money in the middle. "Oh, we're making a bet. You want in?" Alice asked. He thought to himself for a moment. He had like twenty bucks on him but he was going to use that to treat himself. He hummed to himself. "What's the bet?"

"That Phil can get Nightwing to kiss him. He says that he can win over anyone. Kate and I say differently," Alice answered. He grinned.

"What will your wife say?" he asked.

"Samantha's fine with it. Nightwing is both of our exceptions," he revealed. Dick blushed lightly at the compliment but tried to play it off by drinking his coffee. He wasn't going to let a compliment out his secret identity. "And how're you thinking of doing this?"

"I bagsied being a first responder to Nightwing. Whenever he makes his first arrest of the night, I'll be there to make him swoon." Dick had to laugh at his confidence but he had the upper hand. This was only helped by Phil not being a bad looking bloke. It would only be fair to give the guy a chance to shoot his shot. "I've always been an optimist. I bet twenty he can do it." He got out his wallet and took out the money, adding it to the pile.

"Alright, pretty boy but you're gonna regret that," Kate replied, sipping her coffee confidently. He just gave her a smirk. 

"I wouldn't be so sure."

Night came and Dick put on his suit with a special sense of excitement. If he won the bet he could treat himself to some new equipment. His gloves and utility belt were being worn down from constant use and rain. It would be nice to not hold onto his belt every time he did a backflip in fear of it coming off and to get back some of the cushioning he used to have from his gloves. Of course, he could just ask Bruce for the money but he didn't like asking. He didn't want to depend on his mentor for it. He stopped a few muggings on his way to the bigger fish he wanted to catch. He was going to catch the gang anyway but with the bet in the back of his mind, he wanted to get to it as fast as he could. The quicker he kissed Phil, the quicker he got his money. He hoped he didn't get beat up too bad because it would just be rude of him to add a metallic taste to the kiss that was the only exception for kissing anyone else other than his wife. 

 Nightwing spied Phil out of the crowd of policemen that had got onto the scene. Luckily, his hopes of not being hurt too bad had become his reality and he only suffered some bruised knuckles alongside a slightly limp leg from someone kicking it a bit too hard. He felt unexpectedly anxious about approaching the officer since they were friends and kissing him without him knowing that Dick was Nightwing felt a little sneaky. Not a good sneaky either. His anxiety about approaching Phil soon faded away when he saw the rather confident thirty-year-old come towards him. "Good night so far?" Phil asked. 

"I'd say so but the night is still young," he answered. "Don't think me rude for asking but I heard there was a bet going around your office about me. Is that true?" Phil didn't even seem fazed by the question which was somehow impressive. You'd think he'd be embarrassed that THE Nightwing, protector of Bludhaven, kicker of asses, had asked about his little bet to kiss him but no. He simply flashed a smile and nodded. "Who told you?" he asked.

"Dick did. We go way back. He's not too bad for a billionaire's brat," Nightwing joked. 

"He's a good kid," Phil confirmed. "Did he tell you he bet on me?"

"Indeed he did which leads me to ask if you're still up for it?" 

"You don't beat around the bush do you?" Nightwing chuckled to himself and shrugged.

"Hey, when you're in this business you never know which day is your last." Phil whistled and caught the attention of the two other betters, Kate and Alice. They laughed when they saw him standing next to the hero and Kate wolf-whistled.  He then turned to Nightwing and gave him a wink before pulling him down into a deep kiss. Nightwing hadn't quite expected for the other to take the lead but he let Phil have his moment. He heard his two other friends whistling and cheering in the background the entire time, joined by the officers on duty who had already dealt with the criminals. "Go get it, Phil!"

"Whoo! You go!"

"Oh, he's so gonna be dead by next week."

The next day Dick strode into the breakroom nonchalantly, pretending that he didn't know anything about the kiss last night. He was immediately taken aside by Kate who shoved quite a few ten-dollar bills in his hand. "I won I presume?" he asked.

"You betcha. I should bring you to the bookies next time I go," she answered.

"And feed the habit your girlfriend warned me against? No way! She'll have my head," he replied. 

"You'll face off against our biggest villains but you won't go against my 4ft 11 girlfriend?"

"She has 6ft 11 energy."

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