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I'm not dead. Hey.

Sorry took so long for the next chapter. I have a very dramatic 2 months. I mean... finals and shit. Ujian Prakter, US, mommy issues, drama teman, lot of things happen. My new mantra is 'Life is war'. So... I tried to handle myself now. 

I literally am sorry. Really really sorry for abounded this story. Idk I should drop some of the 'to be continued' chapters, or still go for it? You choose. But I actually forget which is which.

Jika pun ada cerita yang harus aku tulis, aku lagi suka nulis di Word dengan fandom lain. Walau aku masih punya spirit NWH, aku sudah punya hal lain untuk disukai. So... kinda left this site for a while. Lagipula, cerita ini sudah mentok 200 chapter dan gabisa add new one. Jadi aku harus milah milah cerita yang memang pantas dihapus dan enggak. Kinda exhausting.

Semoga kedepannya kalian makin suka ceritaku lagi. Even though I think I wouldn't be the same and wrote the same thing again? Idk. I'm still me inside. With a lot of English to write.

EccedentesiastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang