~1~ My Life

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Author's Note

Hey guys! I know that I wrote it in the description, but I'm writing it here too...If you have not read the rest of the books in my series, PLEASE read them first or you will be very confused, and probably overwhelmed. I am still using this first chapter as an overview, just in case you don't heed my warning 😜

For all the people that have stuck with me, now that it's a new book, I will be adding Mason to the POV list! It should be lots of fun!

I have A LOT more things planned, so hang on as we start this crazy ride ❤️

Ellie's POV

As I'm doing dishes, I'm letting my mind wander. My life has been a whirlwind of crazy. Some good, some bad. I can honestly say that the bad has made me who I am, and the good has made the bad less painful.

From the kitchen, I'm hearing my husband, Taylor, and 17 year old son, Luke, wrestling.

We had a wildfire that took over our town a little over a month ago, and because of the tragedy, something beautiful was born. Luke and Taylor have finally managed to break down their walls with one another. For most of Luke's life, he and Taylor have had issues. It wasn't until he just about lost his dad that he realized just how lost he would be without him.

"You may almost be an adult, kid, but you're going to have to do better than that if ya wanna beat your old man" Taylor taunts. I can see that he's put Luke in a headlock, and Luke is desperately trying to escape. He's not able to. Even though Taylor is officially in his 50s, he's still insanely strong. He's the Fire Chief over at firehouse 20, and he is the reason that this town is still here.

"Knock it off, you guys, you're stepping on my project!" Sasha screeches from floor.

Sasha is our oldest child that Taylor and I have together. She is 19, and pregnant with her first child. Her boyfriend, Mason, recently got custody of his brother and sister...Josie and Dylan. To say that Sasha and Mason have their hands full is an understatement. Not only is Sasha trying to get herself through college, she's about to become a mom. They're all living with us in our apartment in the attic. This house has never been so alive!

"I'll help you" Emma says gently. I can see her hurrying over to Sasha to try and salvage Sasha's project.

Emma is Luke's twin sister. We have always struggled with Emma the most. Not with discipline, but with her mental health. She has spent most of her life living in Sasha's shadow. It wasn't until my brother, Jake, introduced her to kickboxing that she has started to shine.

Liam is over there cackling in the corner, holding his daughter, Savannah. Liam is my oldest son from a previous relationship. His dad, Alex, and I are best friends. Alex lives across the street with his wife, Lilah, and son Colton.

"Get Em' Luke! Quit being a pansy" Liam chuckles, rooting on his little brother.

"Pansy? I don't see you doing anything to help" Luke scoffs, still trying to free himself from Taylor's death grip.

Nora comes in, chuckling. "Here, let me help with the dishes" she says, taking the dish rag and starting to dry.

"No darling, go sit down. You look like you feel awful" I say gently to her. Nora is Liam's new bride. She and Liam met at the firehouse that they work at together under Taylor. Liam is Lieutenant over squad, and Nora is a paramedic. Nora found out that she was pregnant the day before the wildfires. She still has not told Liam. Liam is still grieving the death of his best friend that was killed in the fire.

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