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"That's gross," Anakin commented, sliding into the seat across from Ahsoka at their small kitchen table.

"You're gross."

"I'm not the one eating raw meat."

"Here, try it!" she replied, flicking a forkful at his face.

"Now, I'm gross. Not only do I have raw meat on me, I also have Ahsoka germs," he responded, wiping the food off of himself. "Ow!" he squealed as the toe of his Padawan's boot came in contact with his shin. 

"You scream like a little girl!" she laughed, pulling her legs backwards so that he couldn't get her back.

"You are a little girl."

"Master, I'm fifteen."

He raised his eyebrows, smirking. "I know."

"At least I'm not an old man."

"Why insult Obi-Wan if he's not around to hear it?" Anakin joked.

"I'm going to tell him you said that."

"When you're finished drinking your blood?"

"Maybe you should go swap me out for a stupid human Padawan if you really can't stand my Togruta tendencies."

"And why exactly do you think that humans are so stupid?"

"Because you're one of them."

"... That was uncalled for."

Ahsoka smiled, knowing that she had won their little argument. "I know."

Sorry this is so short. There's more to come today though!

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